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Yes, OTC flu medicine would not be contraindicated during menses. If you have additional questions, speak to the pharmacist at your pharmacy about specific products available for your symptoms. Consultation with customers is a part of their service.

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Q: Is it ok to take flu medicine during menstruation?
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Swine flu is a flu very similar to the regular flu. Tamiflu is a medicine that you take when you have swine flu or other types of influenza.

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Tamiflu, but in Denmark swine flu has shown resistance to this.

What causes flu like symptoms during menstruation?

There could be various gynecological reasons. The only way to know what might be causing these symptoms in you is to have an examination by a GYN (gynecologist).

Is the cetamol for cold and flu medicine safe to take by pregnant women?

That drug is probably paracetamol. It is safe in pregnancy.

What medicine kills Swine Flu?

There are some vaccines,but there are no such medicines that kills swine flu.

What is the homeopathic miasm or suggested remedy for Avian Flu?

Gelsimium is medicine for Avian flu

Can you get Fever?

Of course. People get fevers when you get a cold of the flu (influenza) and you don't do anything about it. Like, if you don't take medicine or keep warm, OR if you get the flu, and you keep going out on very cold weather.

You are sick of flu twice a week. Which homeopathic medicine you will take?

if u r sick of flu then u can take homeopathic medicine influenzinum 200 or 1 m in only single dose,as its very powerful one should not repeat the doses!! please dont take homoeopathic medicines from the counter consult ur homoeopath first!!

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My sons honeymoon booked in Cancun for the week of Mya 24 will they be safe from the swine flu and should they take precautions?

I recommend travel medicine.