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Age is a number as long they're legal age... wether male/male - girl/girl - male/girl... As long they care for one another. Heck look at oh whats her name she was 19 and married a 89y/o, yea we know money was involved but she did it and slept with long there is love and legal age leave them alone.

I am a 48 yr old woman, recently married to a 23 yr old man. We have been together for 3 years and are very very happy. Age is a number, it has nothing to do with love. If you truly love the person and can't imagine life without him/her, then go for it, who cares what other people think, your happiness is more important and eventually people get used to the idea, even accept it over time :)

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Q: Is it okay for a 50 year old to date a 22 year old?
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Yes, if it's ok with your parents. But, guys in their 20's usually want to have sex.

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Well if they're both happy and neither care about the age I don't see what's wrong with it

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Laws regarding age of consent may vary based on location, but generally a relationship between a 16 year old and a 22 year old could raise legal concerns due to the age difference. It's important to consider the potential power dynamics and legal implications in such a relationship.

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In New York State, the legal age of consent is 17. As long as the relationship is consensual and both parties are of legal age, a 17-year-old can date a 22-year-old in New York State. However, it's important to consider potential social and developmental differences between individuals of different ages in a relationship.

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There is no law against dating. There are laws about sexual contact, and the parents cannot consent to that happening.

Is it okay for a 15 year old girl to have slept with a 22 year old?

No. Dating is not illegal. If a 22 year old has sexual relations with a 15 year old, that is illegal. A 15 year old is not considered legally old enough to make the decision to have sex.

In Virginia is it illegal for a 16-year-old to date a 22-year-old?

No, it's legal.

If you are a 17-year-old male can you date a 22-year-old female in Australia?

Sure you can.