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i think u will rather be with your boyfriend

other answer: In my opinion, yes it is ok to hand around with other guys. As long as you are clearly only just friends, and your boyfriend knows that you are friends and just enjoy being together(and preferably is completely ok with it) Also try not to end up all alone with your guy friend or do anything that could be taken as a date. For example, going to the movies just the two of you is not a good idea, but going to an activity with a group of friends including your guy friends, or hanging at school, is ok.

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12y ago
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15y ago

As a guy, I would say it depends on your boyfriend and if he trusts you. Guys get jealous very easily, especially the younger they are. I know I wouldn't have a problem with it.

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8y ago

Yes sure this possible. Having a relationship does not mean you should stop other relationship with friends. But you should know your limits

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Q: Is it okay to hang around other guys even though you already have a boyfriend?
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Maybe. He could be joking around or cheating. Try talking to these girls and finding out. Though if he is your boyfriend, you should have 100% trust otherwise the relationship isn't worth it.

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How reliable is the the source and who is the girl? If it's not a good source ignore it. But if the source is reliable ask your boyfriend or the girl. Do it in a private place though, guys can lose their ego.

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Hang around them and see how they talk to each other.