

Is it okay to spot blood in the third trimester?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Is it okay to spot blood in the third trimester?
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How long do you spot while you are pregnant?

Usually thr first week you can, but it's also common during the third trimester.

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yes it does okay

Is it okay to spot red blood four days after having a pap and a pelvic exam done at 11weeks and two days?

it is perfectly normal just your cervix has been irritated

What is a period spot?

A spot is a small area of blood.

Can spotting early in pregnancy be a sign of twins?

Spotting is not an indicator of twins. Many women with a single fetus spot during the first trimester.

If a duck egg has a dark spot inside is it alive?

No, the dark spot is blood.

Can you complete the following quote 'Read every third spot young '?

The phrase "read every third spot young" actually tells you what to do. By picking out "every third spot" of each word in the sentence you will get: a, e, i, o, u. The answer you choose to complete the phrase should have a vowel as its third letter. (Remember that Y can be used as a vowel)

No blood when wiping but the next time there is why?

Why spot of blood on toilet tissue after peeing.

Do you count day one of your cycle when you spot blood?

obviously if you got blood

Does a red spot make an egg bad?

No, but it may mean it is fertile,or your hen has been sitting on it. Best not to eat it though. A small blood spot inside an egg is perfectly fine. The blood spot will disappear when the egg is cooked or you can simply remove the blood spot with a spoon prior to cooking. Blood spots appear because a small blood vessel breaks during the formation of the egg within the hen.