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i got my braces a few days ago and its only painful for the first day :)

Rhiannonc says :

I got my braces on (this is now friday-and to be completely honest , braces DO NOT hurt while they are being put on but a few hours afterwards when the wire begins to move your teeth , they become slightly achey, you could even use the word ''tender''. your orthodontist should give you wax and believe me this is a life saver ! with mine i also got a interdental brush , a sample mouthwash a sample toothpaste and a few leaflets , my braces now feel fine and i am getting use to them .

Hope this Helped you !

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Q: Is it painful to get braces?
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How painful are braces for the 1st time when putting it on?

when you first get you braces on its not really painful just kinda annoying and you feel a bit of pressure. the braces will give you some cuts on your cheeks though

What are braces like truthfully don't exaggerate and what is the most painful part?

Braces are uncomfortable at first and quiet painful when they tighten them and but the wire on. but once you are used to them you will forget you have them

Are braces terrable?

No, braces are very fun sometimes but they can also be painful and hard to clean. I enjoyed having them anyway. :)

Do you have to get a shot if you're getting braces?

Not normally. The braces are pretty straight forward and it may be uncomfortable, but it isn't painful.

How do you play the trumpet with braces on?

The same as if you were playing it without. It can be painful, but you can ask your orthodontist for some wax to put on your braces for a little cushion.

When braces are tightened does it hurt as much and for as long as when they are first put on?

Yes it does. Most of the time, getting your braces tightened is painful yes although I don't remember it being quite as painful to get them tightened as it was when I got them put on initially.

You recently got your braces on and when you brush its pretty painful is this normal?

yes, the same thing happened to me

Do Braces cause Acne?

No, there is no direct correlation between braces on your teeth and the exterior of your face. However, it is common for them to tear up the walls of your mouth leading to painful sores.

Can a Monroe piercing get stuck in braces?

Yes! Do NOT get any sort of lip piercing while you have braces because it can be extremely painful to have it get stuck in your braces. You could even end up ripping it out because they got caught together. Please just wait until you get your braces off(:

Can you harm your teeth if you take off your own braces?

You could potentially harm your teeth severely if you take your braces off yourself. To take them off, your orthodontist uses a special solvent on the glue that holds your braces on. If you don't have that solvent, taking your braces off can be very painful and damaging.

Do the dentist numb your mouth before cutting anything before getting braces?

If the dentist plans to cut, yes, he will numb you. Braces can be painful at first but don't usually require anesthetic.