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yes it all depend with the orgaisation values and objetive.

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Q: Is it posiible for organization to follow both prescriptive and emergent strategies?
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possible-im posiible you are impossible to beat Chrisitne- from me, you can also do: deactivated deform decrease defrost illegal illegible illogical illiterate misbehave misunderstand misfortunate misspell antisocial antislavery antibiotic antidote unfortunately, i can't give u the definitions, b/c if this wuz a homework, u would get all the answers.

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The positive effects of women,during WW2;They were made to be a great assett,to the war effort, by taking over the work,of produceing war materials, like the building of aircraft,which was ecential, to the wining of the war.At 18 I was given the task of forming a new training squadron, which required aircraft to train NAVY pilots,to fight the war. the women supplied the aircraft and I put them to use;those women can hold their head proudly, knowing their efforts,saved our country from a forign,domination!!!!!flyboy752George`

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