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Q: Is it possible for Cerebral cavernous malformations to disappear or go away after bleeding without treatment?
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How are cerebral cavernous malformations diagnosed?

Cerebral cavernous malformations are usually diagnosed by computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan or, more accurately, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan with gradient echo sequencing.

What is the cause of familial cerebral cavernous malformation?

Most familial cerebral cavernous malformations are present at birth (congenital). They are thought to arise between three and eight weeks of gestation, although the exact mechanism of CCM formation is not understood.

What is cerebral cavernous malformation?

Symptoms include seizures , dizziness , stroke, vomiting, uncontrollable hiccups, periodic weakness, irritability and/or changes in personality, headaches , difficulty speaking, vision problems or, rarely, brain hemorrhage.

When can vascular malformations occur?

Vascular malformations can potentially occur many years after radiation therapy to the brain. Additionally, it is also assumed that severe or repeated head trauma can cause cerebral capillaries to bleed.

What is a characteristic of cerebral cavernous malformation?

A characteristic feature of a CCM is slow bleeding, or oozing, as opposed to the dangerous sudden rupture of an aneurysm (a weak, bulging area of a blood vessel).

What is cerebral palsy is it congenital infectious or non-infectious?

Cerebral palsy is caused by brain damage or brain malformations. There are genetic abnormalities which can cause the brain to develop abnormally. Exposure to toxins can interfere with the proper development of the unborn baby's brain. It is not infectious.

Physiotherpay for a child with cerebral palsy?

A child with cerebral palsy can start physiotherapy at just about any age. Talk to your child's physician about setting up one . Physiotherapy is classified as a non-medicinal treatment of cerebral palsy with the use of exercise, massage, heat, and other external means of treatment.

Is cerebral palsy congenital infectious noninfectious?

Cerebral palsy is caused by brain damage or brain malformations. Occasionally genetic abnormalities cause the brain to develop abnormally, but most cases of brain malformation are due to other factors. Exposure to toxins can interfere with the proper development of the unborn baby's brain.

Do cerebral palsy patients feel pain?

Yes, some people with cerebral palsy do experience pain. There are treatment options available to lessen the pain.

What are the treatments available for Cerebral Palsy?

There are a number of treatments available for Cerebral Palsy. Some of the treatment methods available include: aqua therapy, behavioral therapy and chiropractic intervention.

What is the treatment for hemorrhage?

Once the individual is stabilized, cerebral angiography is done to locate the damaged blood vessel.

Is ceragem benificial for cp child?

Ceregem is beneficial for children suffering from cerebral palsy since it is used in its treatment.