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Female ducks in their regular laying years, lay about an egg a day. Some breeds are more prolific producers than other. If the eggs are collected regularly some will continue to produce eggs for several months, as long as they are not allowed to brood a clutch.

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People say that they can have up to 4 eggs

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Q: Is it possible for a duck to lay 2 eggs a day?
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Can a duck lay two eggs a day?

Yes their overys are apsolutely MASSIVE!

Where does a duck lay eggs at?

in a nest.

What time of day a duck lays an egg?

All day, everyday. They do nothing but lay eggs all the time.

Do ducks lay eggs daily like chickens?

depends on the type of duck, Cambels and Runners are known to lay an egg a day

Do Duck lay eggs?

Yes ducks lay eggs. Like every other bird.

How many eggs does a Millard duck lay eggs at a time?


Does a male duck lay unfertilized eggs?

Well, male ducks can't lay eggs. (there like humans, only the females can lay eggs) If by chance you meant does a male duck have to fertilize all eggs? No, they do not have to, only in the spring (which is baby season) will the male fertilize the eggs.Hope that helps! :)

Is it normal for a mother duck to not lay on her eggs?

No. It is not normal.

How Duck is a bird?

They have wings, they fly, they lay eggs.

How many times does a duck lay an egg?

They lay there eggs about 10 times.

What type of eggs does a Pekin duck lay?

the ones you cook

If you have one rooster and one duck will the h duck lay eggs?

To be more clear with this answer, female reptiles and birds can lay eggs regardless of having them fertilized or not. The female duck will lay an egg regardless of the rooster's actions. Furthermore, a rooster and duck are not compatible in breeding, so don't expect a chicken/duck hybrid or something like that.