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Q: Is it possible for a pulsating movement in your lower abdomen to be a baby's heartbeat?
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What is a pulsating feeling in the lower right of the abdomen a constant come and go pulsating feeling?

It might be an aortic aneurysm and you should get it checked out

What could cause movement in your abdomen and sharp pains in your lower abdomen and back pain?

A kidney stone is possible, get a ultra sonogram done.

Do you feel babies heartbeat in womb?

No you can't. If you can feel a pulse over your pregnant abdomen it is the large vessels in your uterus supplying the placenta.

Are you meant to have a heart beat in your stomach?

If by "stomach" you mean "abdomen", then yes. The rhythmic beating felt in the lower abdomen is the abdominal aorta pulsating with each beat of the heart. In healthy individuals, it is completely normal. If you are at all concerned about your own heart beat being felt in your abdomen, have your doctor take a look.

Can you suffocate a fly?

Flies "breathe" through spiracles on their abdomen and create air flow by moving the abdomen. To suffocate the fly, simply stop the movement of the abdomen in a completely still atmosphere.

How is a stillbirth diagnosed?

can listen for the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope, use Doppler ultrasound to detect the heartbeat, or give the mother an electronic fetal nonstress test. In this test, the mother lies on her back with electronic monitors attached to her abdomen.

How is a potential breech birth diagnosed?

A health care provider can often tell the position of the fetus by feeling it through the wall of the mother's abdomen. Another clue to the position is the location where the heartbeat is heard best. If the fetus's heartbeat is.

What does it mean to feel something like a pulsating little kick in your lower abdomen?

That is normal; you are feeling the pulse in your aorta. Don't worry.

Can you feel a heartbeat in you adominal bottom if you're pregnant?

Sometimes you are aware of your own pulse deep in your abdomen when you are pregnant as the blood flow to the uterus increases.

What are the possible diseases when your lower right abdomen is aching?


What is an abdominal thrust?

the upward movement on the abdomen. Commonly used in CPR to dislodge an object.

I feel movement on lower right abdomen and I am not pregnant What could this be?

Mostly likely gas or just the movement of fecal matter through the colon.