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Q: Is it possible for controlling abusive men to be rehabillitated?
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Why are men abusive and insecure and yet women are not?

This is a generalisation, and a highly incorrect one at that. Women can be, are just as abusive and insecure as men. Many men are not abusive and are quite secure with themselves - the opposite is in fact a minority.

Why majority of Indian men are sexist and abusive and controlling towards their wife or girlfriend?

different culture. the united states used to be sexist, and still kind of is. some things are okay in India that aren't here

Is it more common for men or women to be abusive?

Men, unfortunately.

Are Armenian men abusive?

Armenian men are as abusive as men from any other culture. It is unfair to pick one culture as being especially abusive when so many cases of abuse are found in every culture.

Are women more abusive or men?


Do abusive men get more abusive with new relationships?

Men who are abusive remain abusive. If they move on to another woman they are charming, and a chameleon (meaning: they change their colors to suit their needs.) It's like the "spider and the fly." Abusive men are extremely crafty and will appear to be the nicest guy you've ever met until he has you right where he wants you. Usually abusive men will alienate the woman from her family and friends and move to another section of town or preferably another city. They want complete control. They can't cover all their tracks and here are a few hints: Although it may seem charming, a man that orders your meal without asking you what you would like to eat or let you make your own choice is a controlling man. The way he talks about other women. He could say something as innocent as, "See that woman over there .... she's fat and ugly, but you .. wow! You're a babe!" Most women will consider that a compliment, but if a guy really cares about you and is not in the market for controlling you he would only have eyes for you and never make such a remark as the example I just gave you. Always boasting and bragging about himself (you can bet 1/3 of it is the real truth.) Feels uncomfortable even after he meets your family and starts to prefer not coming to your parents house; not to go out with your friends or have some of your friends over. Usually abusive men are loners and may have the odd buddy around, but they are not usually popular. Don't get this confused with a shy guy. Over-whelms you with his own masculinity, yet seldom asks about your hopes, dreams and feelings. Marcy The thing is he will be still angry at the past partner about losing control. Therefore the new person gets this added onto the nightmare

Why was he trying not to be abusive but he was?

Men who are abusive generally have learned this from the environment in which they grew up. Some men have a short fuse and blast off with either verbally abusive words or they become physically abusive with their partner. Some men know deep inside it is wrong, but don't know how to get help and most men refuse to seek psychological counseling because it makes them feel weak and not masculine. If he refuses to get help then you have the power to get out of the abusive relationship.

Are there books and videos available for verbally abusive men who want to change?

* The best way for an abused man to move on from a verbally abusive relationship is to seek counseling. Just like women, men may have lost their self respect; feel demeaned and ashamed (they are suppose to be the stronger sex) and he needs to find out why he stayed so long in the abusive relationship. Without proper counseling just like women, men can choose another abusive partner in the future and don't have the tools to tell when rag flags go up that the person they are with is controlling at best and the worst .. verbally or even physically abusive. Men have been brought up to not hit women, so it is very often hard for the man to make sense as to why he put up with the abuse for so long. Men can be victims of abuse too and they should not blame themselves.

Do abusive men know they are abusive?

We cannot speak for all abusive men, but we assume that most of them know that they are abusers. Abusive men tend to come from abusive homes, and the behavior may seem normal to them. Others may feel that such behavior is their right. Most of them know the law, but when rage strikes, the law often doesn't mean much.

Were men in charge of women taking the birth control pill?

Yes; there are reports of men who are abusive and controlling in relationships who decide when and if "their woman" is allowed to use birth control or if she will stay barefoot and pregnant (or aborted). These women are often so emotionally broken that it doesn't occur to them that his behavior is wrong.

Do abusive men cheat?

Some do. Some do not.