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Q: Is it possible for humans to live on the moon today?
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Is it possible for humans to live on the moon?

No. While short visits are possible, there is no air on the moon and no way to produce food.

Why are they sending humans to live on the moon?

At this time there is no current mission to send humans to live on the moon.

Will there be a hotel on the moon?

There will not be a hotel on the moon for humans but there would be for aliens. humans cannot live in space.

Why can not humans live on the moon?

There isn't enough oxygen to be able to live on the moon?

Why is it not possible to live on moon?

Because there is no air on the moon

Would it be possible for humans to live on the moon?

no because you would flot out to space. and also because you can not breath there. if we were to live thre we would have to were some suits but i think we can tlive there.

Is there humans living on or bin the moon yet?

No, there is no way a human could live on the moon.

What obstacles would humans have to overcome to live on Mars?

the moon

Are there any humans on the moon?

No. The environment of the Moon would require humans to live in pressurized habitats, since the surface conditions there are virtually the same as in space.

Can humans live on moon?

yes they can there is a whole NASA program check it out :)

Why can humans live on the moon?

Because there is much unclaimed land to build Walmarts on and when there is that, no humans can be stopped from incubating there.

Is it possible for humans to live on moon europa?

No, because there are currently no spacecraft capable of sending astronauts that far into space. Plus, they would need lots of food and fresh water.