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No, ferrets will not use a litter box with a lot of feces in it, they prefer a clean litter pan. And you cannot use the same litter for cats that you can for ferrets. Use litter specially made for ferrets, which cost more. With a cat, you can use cheap clay litter which cannot be used for ferrets, so it make better sense to have separate litter pans from other contributors:

Not really...ferrets insist on corners, and do much better when the front end (i.e. side of a corner without a wall) is at floor level - they poop, then scoot a few inches and use the floor as toilet paper.

However, because of their insistence to dig and the fact that many types of litter can harm their eyes (anything with crystals in it...and of course, using cat litter without crystals is a smelly pain...also, clumping litter is a HUGE no no since it'll stick to them and they'll ingest it - not good for their narrow digestive tracts)... a much better alternative is to use dog potty training pads. I personally use the neat N dry brand, and cut them in half into triangles so that they work well in the corner. They're great at absorbing wetness and odor - and much easier to clean. I just change them once a day and put them in that morning's newspaper plastic bag before I put it in the big trash can.

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Q: Is it possible or a reasonable idea to train a cat and a ferret to use the same litterbox?
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How do you shoulder train a ferret?

Shoulder train a ferret -with a lot of patience. I've been working on this. First you have to be in an area without distractions. While sitting on the bed, put your ferret on your shoulder using treat or a toy. Repeat a few times to get the ferret used to sitting on your shoulder. This needs to be done gradually a few minutes a day. When you feel your ferret is sitting on your shoulder and will stay, then start moving around slowly, increasing your movements until you can stand up.

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I don't believe you cannot train a ferret not to go in holes. It's their natural instinct to be in an enclosed place. Ferrets in the wild live underground in dens. You will either have to remove the ferrets from said place or restrict access.

Can you train a cat that is 1 year old or older?

if you mean like "sit" and "stay," then no. cats cant be trained to sit and stay. but like to use a litterbox, then yes.

What do you do if a ferret eats a gummy bear of strong medical weed?

In this case, since your ferret ate this medical gummy bear I highly suggest you go to your nearest vet. If you just got this ferret from a shelter have a conversation with the shelter if this has happened in the past. If so, it could become a habit if you cannot train your ferret not to eat things it sees.

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What are some fun things you can do with your ferret and how do you leash train?

Just let your ferret run around the house! Make sure it is ferret-proofed though!! Get some toys for your ferret to play with, you can also get a companion for your ferret {make sure he/she is spayed/neutured}! Sounds like she is not used to the harness, start with just a wearing a collar around the house first, then try to harness, distract her or give treats to get her used to it before taking her outside.

Why does you ferret get mad?

What do you mean by mad? If your ferret is tearing up stuff it probably is not getting as much time out of its cage as it should, ferrets should have 2-4 hours out of their cage a day. If you are gone/busy all day, you could get a bigger cage (if you can afford it) and another ferret for a play mate; but you should still give your ferret(s) one on one play time with you.If your ferret is biting you then you can spray bitter apple on your hand and that will detour any biting; however, if your ferret is a kit it's probably just tryng to play with you. Remember that a ferret's skin is tougher than a human's, so a gentle nip to a ferret means come play with me! But to you it hurts, heres a link to how to nip train your ferret.