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Q: Is it possible to be fat and healthy at the same time?
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Why is eating polar bear fat healthy and eating cow fat healthy?

I don't know about polar bear fat, but I know that eating cow fat isn't healthy. Eating any form of fat in large quantities is not healthy. Fat is very essential for a healthy body but at the same time, excess fat in diet may lead to obesity, cholesterol, heart problems etc.

Is it possible for a healthy guy to have 10 percent body fat and STILL be underweight because of a lack of muscle but NOT fat?

Yes! i know a guy who is underweight and yet he even has 10 percent bodyfat. He doesnt work out at all so yeah you can have a good healthy bodyfat and still be underweight from a lack of muscle not fat. I also know about a guy who is prettly fat and he is also underweight. I think you can have a good healthy body fat percentage and still be underweight from a lack of muscle not fat. You can be underweight from muslce even though you have a good body fat percentage. So yeah it's possible to be underweight from muscle ONLY...and at the same time maintaining a good fat percentage.

Is it better to be thin or fat?

It's better to be HEALTHY. Anyone that is too thin or too fat can have some VERY serious health risks. That said, thin people and fat people CAN be healthy. Also, it's possible to be a healthy weight and unhealthy at the same time. So, eating healthily and regular exercise is far more important than what the scales say!

Is Cesar dressing healthy?

No, it's high in fat & sodium, use as little as possible.

Where can I purchase low fat desserts online?

You can purchase some very healthy and low fat desserts through Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers online. These desserts will be tasty and healthy at the same time and should help if you are interested in weight loss.

Are all fat people healthy?

Well Yes and No Because fat people eat healthy things and bad thing at the same time.Like apple pie

What is the fastest way to lose weight and gain muscle before a ceertain time period?

Eat healthy(avoid fat and sugar) and work out/exercise as much as possible

What is a healthy way to cook meat?

The healthy way to cook meat is with minimal fat and minimal charring. This allows for the most efficient digestion possible.

Can a fat person also be healthy?

A fat person can be healthy, yes.

Do Smoothies really work for weight loss and keep you healthy and the same time?

Smoothies are a healthy food for diet and weight loss but one must be very careful with the ingredients used. Use fat free or low fat yogurt and milk. Add a good protein powder and some fruit.

Is an avocado a healthy snack?

Absolutely, it is a very healthy and filling snack that does have some fat in it but it is considered to be the healthy kind of fat as opposed to fat from animal products.

How can you be fat and healthy?

That really depends a lot on how fat you're thinking of, and your genes. If diabetes and high blood pressure runs in your family, then it's pretty much impossible to be fat and healthy. If you're not prone to these conditions, then it's possible to be fairly chubby w/o any immediate health risks.