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Yes. But being fit is the icing on the cake. Fitness brings an extra serving of mobility and energy. You can get out and do more stuff if you're fit. The "chemistry" associated with doing a bit to get or stay fit has time and again been shown to contribute to wellness, slowed aging and a host of other things. When the "big picture" is seen as regards a person's health, there should be a little fitness activity in there somewhere. Your body will thank you for it.

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Q: Is it possible to be healthy without being fit?
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Is it possible to be fit and not be healthy?

It is believed that to be fit you must also be healthy and to be healthy you must be fit, but the definitions of both words are completely different. To be Healthy means to have a complete state of mental and physical well-being not merely the absence of illness. This indicates that being healthy doesn't mean you need to be constantly doing exercise and activities but you are in general good health. Fitness on the other hand is described as the ability to meet the demands of the environment without fatigue. This gives the impression that you can be able to be fit but also have a disease for example.

How do be fit?

Being fit consist of healthy living healthy eating and exercise. That is a great start to fitness. Being in shape can change how you feel physically and mentally.

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Excersise!!!! Excersise keeps you fit which almost inevitably leads to one being healthy.

How is it possible to be fit without being healthy?

Yes. Just think how much are you eating, have a one big meal a day and one small, and skip the dinner - or eat what or when you like, just dont pass te calory limit. Exercises will just have less effect.

Is being fit the same as being healthy?

no because if your fit but eat the wrong foods then it can cause a lot of problems in the body like a heart attack or high blood pressure

What is 'fit' mean?

When you are doing good exercise and you are being healthy. For example Swimming, biking & running

What is the difference between fitness and skill?

fitness is being healthy and fit skill is how well you are at something

What is best way to get bikini body without any effort by GojiPro?

There is NO way to get a "bikini body" without some effort. People who look fit and healthy put in the work with exercise and healthy diet.

What is the true definition of being fit?

There really is no true definition of being fit. Usually when people say they're fit, their BMI is inside the range for their height and age. A lot of the time, it also means feeling healthy.

What is the important of being physicaly fit?

The importance of having a physically fit body is that you enhance the proper function of the body organs. This will keep you healthy at all times. Here are The 7 Minute Workout Plan to stay fit.

Do we need healthy eating?

Being healthy is an important thing in life you need to be fit and healthy to participate in more things and be more acctracrive with your shape and size.heathy is important because you need to be fit and strong so then you wont die or haveing problems with yourself