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haha, period!

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Q: Is it possible to be pregnant if I started my period 3 days late but it was short and heavy?
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What if your on your period but not heavy only spotting can you still get pregnant if he ejactulates in you?

What if your on your period but not heavy only spotting can you still get pregnant if he ejactulates in you?

You are 3-4 weeks pregnant an have just started to bleed heavily?

4 weeks pregnant is when your period is due, this may be a period or if it is really heavy and you have had a positive test I am afraid you are probably having a miscarriage.

Your period was early and super heavy Could you be pregnant?

If it was heavy, then no, it's unlikely that you're pregnant

Are you pregnant if you have a heavy flow?

If you have your period, it's unlikely that you're pregnant, especially if it's heavy

Can you have a heavy 7 day period while being pregnant?

very unlikely if you was pregnant whilst bleeding heavy the chances are you will miscarry but you can get pregnant whilost bleeding so you could in turn be pregnant but you would have had to concieve during your period which the chances arent very high but as i know from plenty of experience anything is possible when it comes to pregnancy

You have your heavy period every month but you think you might be pregnant?

If your having a heavy period its very slim that you are pregnant. But if you had sex while you are pregnant you can actually get pregnant while having intercourse on your period. What exactly make you feel you are pregnant? and if you were pregnant before this period you need to see a doctor A.S.A.P. Something is going on in there.

Is it possible to get pregnant the day befoe you period comes and you still have youre period?

No. By the time you're period is due there is no viable egg - you ovulate two weeks before menstruation, and there is only a viable egg for a maximum of 48 hours - thus you cannot get pregnant during this time.

Can you be pregnant if you were a week late but just started your period and its really heavy and i have cramps?

Answer If you started your period then you have nothing to worry about, but what about the next time you have sex? Make the guy wear a condom and you won't have these worries. Practice safe sex so you won't get pregnant or for that matter get any sexual transmitted diseases.

If you do a pregnancy test and its positive then you start bleeding when ur period is due and then do another tests which is still positiveshould u worry.Bleeding is not heavy or with pain?

well it is possible to have a period while u are pregnant. not very common, but it is possible. my friend did, that's why she didnt know she was pregnant til she was almost months, because she had a period every month.

What are the chances of getting your period while actually being pregnant when you have several pregnancy symptoms?

It is possible to have a period like bleed during early pregnancy. But the bleeding is usually light and never a heavy, normal period bleed.

Is it possible im pregnant if i got my period over 2 weeks late and it was heavy for the first day and normal flow for next but only lasted 2 days then completely stopped ive also been getting cramps?

Your period sounds like it was too heavy to be implantation bleeding so I doubt you're pregnant

Is it possible to be pregnant if a week after ovulation and unprotected sex you get a heavy period that is early?

Yes, my mother had her periods while pregnant with me. Your ovulated egg can stay in your body several days before dissolving if not fertilized with sperm.