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of couse you would die because your body cant digest gum.if you eat one piece it will take 5 years for you body to digest it out of your exitory system

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Q: Is it possible to die by eating so much chewing gum your stomach is blocked up by all the gum?
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No. Swallowing is a voluntary action that forces solids or liquids, with or without nutritional value, down the oesophagus into the stomach. Eating includes mastication (chewing), and swallowing.

What are two reasons you need to make sure you chew your food well?

1. chewing food well prevents chocking. 2. chewing food puts less stress on your stomach. your stomach is the size of your fist when not full, but it can expand almost 20 times its size when filled. the better you chew, the more your stomach can hold. putting too much food down your throat at one time after not eating for a while will make your stomach hurt, because it is not ready for it. chewing food more will allow time for your stomach to prepare to digest.

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You will throw up before it happens but yes, it is possible

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Currently, full stomach transplants have been performed (successfully) but as far as I'm aware, "partial" ones have not been performed. This may be because (as strange is it may seem), you can live without your stomach. It is your small intestine which is completely and utterly necessary for food absorption, but with a few eating and dietary changes it is completely possible to live a normal life without your stomach. (Your food would go straight from your oesophagus to your small intestine, so chewing well and eating small amounts would be crucial to prevent feeling nauseous/uncomfortable).

Can eating old candy cause harm?

No real harm except a sore stomach and possible vomiting.

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Eating biscuit without chewing well does not have any effect because the saliva will melt it.

What are gum chewing benefits?

make you less eating because you are chewing gum in your mouth

Which would allow vitamins to enter your bloodstream faster swallowing a pill or eating a chewable vitamin?

When chewing pills you do all the hard work for your stomach by breaking down the substance along with saliva which makes it easier/faster for your stomach to digest.

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What does chewing gum do?

So most people just chew gum for fun or because they like the flavors or something but chewing gum isn't all that good for you. So since you chew gum your stomach thinks there food coming but when it sees there is no food coming and your just chewing gum if will start eating away on acids in your stomach so it is ok to chew gum but not like every day!

Is it possible to pop after eating?

No, it is not possible to pop after you eat. Myth Busters even proved that your stomach wouldn't pop if you eat Pop Rocks and drink soda.