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Technically, it is possible to do so in the laboratory. However, since the process involves a lot of ethical regulations and expensive equipment and expertise, the gene transfer would not be attempted unless there is huge financial gain.

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Q: Is it possible to get arachnid DNA grafted into a human?
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What are recombinant Life forms?

A recombinant life form is created when the genetic material that is produced by segments of DNA from different sources are joined to produce recombinant DNA. In simpler terms, it's when two sets of DNA are grafted together producing a hybrid of the two organisms that the DNA was extracted from. Normally, one set of DNA will be grafted with the other when it is still a living organism. An example could be avian DNA getting grafted onto the DNA of a living human, creating an avian/human hybrid. Maximum Ride (a series by James Patterson) is a very good example of this.

Is it possible to mix human and cockroach DNA together?

It is not possible because they are not in the same family. Can only mix DNA in ones family.

Can human DNA be inserted into another organisms DNA?

It is possible but the organism may not survive due to the changes in the build of the DNA.

Is it possible to put jellyfish DNA in a human and have the human glow?

Maybe because they do it to some rabbits !

What innovations in technology have made the Human Genome Project possible?

DNA sequencing.

Can a human body accept another human body's DNA?

The answer is NO. You can modify a particular part of the DNA by mutation but an entirely different DNA cannot be incorporated into another DNA simply because DNA is present in each nucleated cell of the body and as there are millions and millions of such cells, its not possible to do it. :)

Is it possible to splice synthetic DNA into a human being to produce an enhanced human?

Not yet. Work has been going on with bacteria.

Why is it possible to use a DNA sequence to identify bacteria?

Just as each human has their own unique DNA, each strain of bacteria shares their own DNA sequence.

Can Human DNA be positively identified as human without other information?

Yes. Human DNA is human DNA.

When human DNA is spliced into bacterial DNA what is the new DNA called?

The new human-bacterial DNA is known as recombinant DNA.

Human DNA is spliced into the?

human DNA are spliced into plasmid

In what structure does Bacterial DNA resemble human DNA?

That they have both DNA Bacterial DNA is a (closed) circle, those of human is lineair (straight) if you stretch it. Bacterial DNA does not have Proteines, Human DNA has Proteines. Bacteria have also RNA The DNA of bacteria is easy to reach , those of human not.