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Q: Is it possible to get paternity test results back the next day after the test is done in the hospital?
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how long does it take for paternity results to come back.?

It depends on the company can be a few days to a few weeks.

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You get owned ?

What does it mean if a paternity test was done and it was dismiss with prejudice?

The question is worded unclearly. A paternity (DNA) test is a scientifically proven and court accepted test, the results of which cannot" be dismissed by a judge (i.e.: It is what it is).On the other hand, if as a result of the test, it was the paternity case itself that was dismissed with prejudice, it means that the case was thrown out and can never again be brought back to court.

How to ask properly for a paternity test?

order it online through, they will send you home sample collection kits , follow the instruction and send it back to them. You will get results. the complete process is fully confidential.

How long does it normally take to get the results of a paternity test?

This depends on the laboratory performing the paternity testing. I work for Identigene DNA testing center, and our turn around time is 2-3 business days once the samples arrive at the laboratory. This is close to industry standard.

What are three uses for DNA?

1) Paternity Proof ( Proof of Parentage) 2) Identifying someone that is, or was in a crime scene 3) Tracing back to one's Ancestry (Please improve this if possible)

Can you get paternity test results the same day as the test?

it all depends where you go. Some place will give you the results back within about three hours and other places are much busyer and slower and therefore can take up to about 3-7 days to come back. So really it all depends on where you go. Hope this helps Hannah x

Does a negative or a positive result come back quicker on a paternity test?


If you have two possible fathers and are pregnant can tests show whose baby it is?

Not while you are pregnant, that I know of, but after the baby is born you can have the baby, the mom and the possible fathers tested. It's usually a very simple test and takes a week or two to get the results back.

In 10 mints we know the pregncy blood test its posible?

No, it is not possible that in 10 minutes we can know the results of a pregnancy blood test. It would take a day or two to have these results back from your doctor.

Do Your Paternity Test From Home?

If only life were always so easy that paternity tests weren’t even something that we had to worry about. Unfortunately, they are. Circumstances can come up where a paternity test is an absolute must and you simply cannot wait to have one done. Once you have decided to have a paternity test there are different options that you can go with, but almost all paternity tests you need to see some sort of doctor and/or go to a medical lab. We all know with the rising cost of medical help how expensive that this can get, and insurance companies may not cover paternity testing. I’m happy to tell you today that if you are in this situation, you are desperate for a paternity test, but do not have the time and/or money, than there is a fantastic option for you. A company called GeneSys, which you can find at, has come up with a way to do your test from home, and send them the results, which they will interpret for you. Basically you start off by collecting the DNA of the father and child. This is much easier than it sounds, you just swab the inside of the right cheek and you have collected the DNA that you need. Once you have your samples you mail them in to the company for the data to be collected. That is all you need to do and you will have completed your portion of the paternity test. The cost to interpret the results is still a little pricy at $79.00, but you will have a turnaround in 3-5 business days and they will even email you the results, speeding up the time it takes to get your answer back. GeneSys offers an innovative new way for you to do your paternity testing without having to worry about bringing multiple people to the doctor, have them each do lab tests, and pay high medical expenses for both people. The test is easy to do from home, is only $79.00 and has a turnaround time of 3- 5 business days. If you do need a paternity test, don’t hesitate, go to and see for yourself today.

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josie duggar is back in the hospital because she had a intestinal blockage the doctors don't know when she can be released from the hospital