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Q: Is it possible to have a negative urine test from the doctor and still be pregnant?
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If you have four negative pregnancy tests could you still be pregnant?

Yes it is still possible. See a doctor.

Is it normal to be 6 weeks pregnant and take 5 home tests and they all be negative but still be pregnant?

if you have been confirmed as pregnant by the doctor - it is still possible in these early stages of pregnancy for tests to come back negative, i would check with the doctor to be sure.

Is it possible to have 3 negative pregnancy tests and still be pregnant?

well they arent 100% but i suppose you should consult your doctor..

Period was due on March 23 and it is still no where in sight have taken about 10 hpt all negative Is it possible to still be pregnant even with so many negative hpts?

It is possible you are pregnant but you may just have a "problem" so i recomend seeing a doctor or Vagina-cologist.

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How do you feel if you get period every month but still feel movement for the past 4 weeks?

Its possible to be pregnant and still have a period I did with my son for 5 months and he came out fine and u may have a negative pregnancy test and still be pregnant so I would go to the doctor

Could it still be possible to be pregnant after 3 positive tests 3 negative tests a negative blood test but no bleeding?

Well To Find Out That Answer Go See Your Doctor Thats All You Got To do Good Luck

If i have a negative pregnancy test but feeling nausea can i still be pregnant?

In some cases yes you can, But go to a doctor to be sure!

Can you still be pregnant if the test comes back neg?

It is possible (a false negative test result), but not likely.

If you get a negative result at night could you still be pregnant?

Will i be still be pregnant if i had a negative test result From Norena

How common is a false negative?

not very, but if you think you might still be pregnant, take another test and that should do it (if you still don't believe it, check with a doctor)

Can you have negative pregnancy test and period but still be pregnant?

There are always pregnancy tests that can show up negative and you can still be pregnant. The best thing to do is check with your doctor and ask for a pregnancy test. Remember though even the doctor's test can even be wrong. There is not one single pregnancy test that is always 100% correct.