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Well according to the Weight, Height, and fat measurement machine in the gym my body fat is 1.2%? And that's with no cardio lol if that's accurate then it is possible but i did have a few questions when it gave me that answer lol And im not even that slim I mean my BMI is 21?

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Q: Is it possible to have one percent body fat?
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How much pounds of fat make one percent body fat?


How many kilograms in as a percentage of body fat?

Percent means 'out of one hundred' so to say that someone's body is 20% fat means that for every 100kg, 20kg will be fat. If the person weighs 50kg, 10kg of that is fat. If you know what percent body fat you are, and how much you weigh, then your mass of fat is 'percent fat divided by 100 then multiply by your mass in kg.'

How much does 1 percent of body fat weigh?

One percent of what? This answer will be different for different weights. If you weigh 140 pounds one percent is 1.4 pounds. If you weigh 200 pounds one percent of that is 2 pounds.

How can one calculate body fat percentage?

One can calculate the percentage of fat there is in their body by using the Body Fat Percentage Calculator provided by Healthy Forms which lets you calculate the percentage of fat in your body.

What percent of fat s a cashew?

The percentage of fat that is found in cashews is 19 percent of one ounce. There are 12 grams of fat with 2 grams of saturated fat.

How can you lose 35 pounds in one week?

You cannot lose 35 pounds of body fat in one week. It is not possible by any natural means.

What instruments could I buy to perform an accurate body fat test?

A simple banded tape measure is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to measure body fat percentage. Take several measurements for accuracy, then average them out for your total percent.

What are some tricks to losing body fat?

There are not really any tricks to losing body fat. In order for one to lose body fat one would have to watch one's diet and build muscle or exercise. Building muscle eliminates fat, and reducing carbohydrates will also assist in the process.

How does fat transfer work?

Fat transfer works by β€œtaking” fat from one part of the body and moving it to another part of the body. The medical surgery Liposuction is used to remove fat from any area of the body where there is an undesired amount of fat.

Where can one purchase a body fat monitor?

One can purchase a body fat monitor by going to the Office Max store. Office Max has both retail stores as well as an online store that body fat monitors can be purchased from.

How much 2 percent milk should you drink to get less fat like skim milk?

One percent as well as fat-free milk are available, but water is better for you.

What is one reason necessary for humans to eat fat?

Fat supplies the human body with warmth and energy. Every cell in the body must contain fat. Fat cushions internal organs