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Some women have regular periods all the way through pregnancy. If you are pregnant, see a Dr. immediately to make sure you and baby are "AOK".

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Q: Is it possible to have two normal periods and be pregnant?
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Can you get two normal heavy periods each within 28 days of one another and have no symptoms for ten weeks and still be pregnant?

No. Two normal heavy periods and no symptoms of pregnancy sound like your definitely not pregnant.

2 periods in one month sign of pregnancy?

I had two periods in one month and I'm pregnant. So i guess if you're asking if it happens.....yes it's possible. My first period was "normal" and the second a couple weeks later was very light. Found out about a week after that i was pregnant due to nausea.

Why have i had two periods but im pregnant?

bleeding as menstuation may occur even after pregnancy in exceptional case. so it is possible.

Is it possible to have a tiny little light blood in early pregnancy?

It is very well possible. Many women have had actuall periods while pregnant. No two women bodys are alike.

Iam on Mirena have been for a year but now Iam two months late having all the pregnant symptoms I have taken one blood test and two at home all came out negative could I still end up pregnant though?

It's possible to get pregnant on Mirena, but rare. Your pregnancy tests are negative. Absent periods are a normal side effect of Mirena.

Can you be pregnant if you had two periods in one month?


Can awoman gets two periods and get pregnant?


You have had two periods could you still be pregnant?


You had two periods within two weeks can you be pregnant?

No. Missing periods are an indication of pregnancy, not having too many.

If you had normal periods for passed two months and then stopped menstruating can you still be pregnant?

The normal way is that the menstruation will stop one day. It can happen that women have their periods longer. To be sure get a pregnancy test or see your doc, but I don´t see why you shouldn´t be pregnant any more. If you would have had an abort, you ure would have noticed that.

If we get our periods then does it mean that we are not pregnant?

Usually but not necessarily. Some women can have one or two periods after they become pregnant but it is somewhat rare. The best way to see if you are pregnant is to get a test.

You had two periods in a month which one did you get pregnant with?

Humans don't get pregnant when they have a period. That's only for animals. Human females mostly get pregnant mid-way between their periods.