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No u must understand your body. The egg which not used is dissolved

and thrown out of your body after certain period(it vary from body to body)

falliopan tube bring eggs from ovaries to utreus.Thus unused egg

dissolved thrown out in the form of your monthly mensturation period

as it takes time to discharge and clean it for next egg. This so complicated to explain but simple in nature. Keep these period antusceptic with a s dressing

you will save lot in future. You need be shy or ashamed of this

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16y ago
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15y ago

Yes and no. It is not technically your period if you are pregnant. It does not contain an unfertilized egg. But some women do get false periods during their pregnancy. A friend of mine did with both of her pregnancies and said they were indistinguishable from regular periods to her. She has two healthy daughters now. If you think you are pregnant and still having your period, you should see a doctor.

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15y ago

No. When you have periods that is preparing the lining for the baby and the blood that comes out is the lining because you didnt need it if your not having a baby. During pregnancy your body is produces the lining for the baby so it does not come out.

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13y ago

Yes you can people that say otherwise don't know what they are on about, actually I fell pregnant had my normal periods every month with all the pains and cramps included so it wasn't just spotting or anything like that, when my belly started to get bigger I took about god knows how many pregnancy tests went to the doctors and it was all negative until when I was nearly 8 months pregnant and they decided it was best for me to go for a scan as they thought it could be some kind of tumor and for my surprise and theirs aswell it was a baby and I had my normal periods and the normal things that come with it each month up until the end of my pregnancy.

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9y ago

No, it is biologically impossible to menstruate while you are pregnant.

Women can bleed during pregnancy, but not menstruate as this is a specific function as part of the menstrual cycle - the menstrual cycle stops while you're pregnant. Bleeding during pregnancy can be due to a wide range of things, if a woman does experience bleeding during pregnancy she should talk to her doctor or seek emergency medical care via the ER.

If you think you could be pregnant then take a pregnancy test.

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6y ago

No, it is biologically impossible to menstruate while you are pregnant.

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9y ago

You can have light bleeding a spotting during early pregnancy but heavy, normal bleeding exactly like a period is unlikely.

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15y ago

something that looks like a period bleeding after six months of pregnancy could be a mayor problem and medical assistance should be seeked inmediately

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13y ago

not a period but its called spotting it happens at the beginning of your period

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Q: Is it possible to have your period through six months of pregnancy?
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