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Discrimination based on what you believeis unconstitutional. Atheism is the choice not to exercise your right to a religion; forcing someone to make this choice is just as illegal as making it for them.

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8y ago

Even if there were a law passed making atheism illegal it is difficult to see how it could be enforced.

  • There are no "true religion" meters to check on a persons status.
  • An atheist would have no problem swearing whatever oath is required as it is just meaningless wordage.
  • Members of non Christian not deity driven religions would fall into what category
  • Who would care
  • What would the punishment be? Forced conversion? Death?
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Q: Is it possible to outlaw atheism in the US as atheists themselves claim it is not a religion?
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There are atheists in every country, although they may choose not to reveal themselves in certain places.

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Atheism is not a "unifying" force nor is it intended to be. Atheism is not a religion nor a political system and there is no central organizing entity. Since atheism is not driven by any strict set of doctrines and atheists have no motive to take control over other people, force people to become atheists or rule the world, atheism is a relatively benign personal choice to not accept a belief in the supernatural.

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No. Atheism is a position of non belief in god claims. There is no dogma and besides the non belief in god claims, all atheists are individual. It's like saying sports is a religion, or "off" is a tv channel.

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Atheism is the absence of belief in gods. Atheists do not pray.

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It seems unlikely that many atheists think about such things! But, atheism isn't considered a mental disorder.

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Atheism is the belief that there is no God or a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.Atheism is not a religion. If you see that the question "What is the religion of non-Catholicism" is meaningless, then you grasp the idea. There are some faith-based individuals who make the argument that atheism is indeed a religion since it places an individual in a certain position before the deity, but this argument is rhetorical and dramatic, meant to help persuade others to take a theistic position. The argument may have a specialized meaning to people who already believe. The concept of atheism as a religion has no meaning whatever to atheists.

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No, atheists do not believe in "God". Atheism is a lack of a belief in gods.

Are there any adherents of atheism?

There are Atheists, but the phrasing of the question is odd, because, as others have pointed out, Atheism is not a codified religion with edicts, meeting places, and theology. So, there is nothing for them to adhere to and no place for them to adhere to it.

What is atheistic approach?

Atheism isn't a religion so there is no prescribed approach to life and morality, however many atheists are also rationalists who try and approach problems through reason and rationality.

What does atheists believe?

Atheism rejects a belief in a God.