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yes you can reforest a desert it has been done before its process is pretty cool

look up seed balls they are these balls of seed used to reforest a desert effectively

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Q: Is it possible to reforest desert like in Mauritania by combinations of manuring soil and lifting some water from ex. Senegal river with energy generated by windmills watermills or solar batteries?
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Electricity for recharging batteries should be generated using resources which are renewable. Renewable resources will not run out.

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Electricity is generated by different sources like:1. Coal2. Water3. Solar Panel4. Batteries

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The electricity generated by wind can be used to charge batteries. Or, it can be directly added to the electricity grid.

What is generated when electric batteries charge?

Some of the energy used to recharge them will heat up the battery (waste heat), if that's what you mean.

Electricity for recharging batteries should be generated using what resources?

Preferably renewable resources. If batteries are charged from sources burning fossil fuels they're not reducing pollution, only moving it from one place to another.

How was energy generated before the use before the use of fossil fuels?

The burning of wood is likely one of the ealiest generation of energy. Other forms of energy creation are watermills and wind mills. See attached links. You can find more links by doing a search of the internet.

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Start with the factors. Multiply combinations of three prime factors, then combinations of five, then seven, etc. All generated numbers will be guaranteed to have an odd number of prime factors.

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Electricity can be generated in a variety of ways, not all of which are chemical in nature, but burning coal is one commonly used method; batteries are also chemical sources of electricity, but there are many different kinds of batteries involving many different kinds of chemical reactions. Broadly speaking, electricity is generated with some form of "redox" or reduction-oxidation type of reaction.

What does a battery use to make electricity?

Batteries do not generate electricity; they only store a charge that is generated elsewhere. After that charge is used up, they need to be recharged or replaced.