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Q: Is it possible watch can contamination through food?
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Ecoli doesn't develop on food. It reaches food through contamination.

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What pollutes food?

If you are referring to how food becomes contaminated then there are three types of contamination and two ways in which it can occur. The 3 types of ways food can be contaminated is by Physical Contaminants: Chemical Contaminants: Contamination of food through a chemical based product such as bleach Biological Contaminants: Contamination from microorganisms such as, yeast, parasites, viruses, bacteria and mold The 2 ways in which food can be contaminated is through Direct Contamination: contamination of food from the original place it was produced, ie. salmonella on chicken, Cross-Contamination: when food is contaminated from one food to another through a non-food object. Ie Apple is contaminated because you did not wash your hands( non food object) after cutting raw chicken.

What does food contamination mean?

spoiled food

How Metal Poisonic spreads through food?

Metal poison spreads through food in various ways. It is mostly spread through contamination of water and food among other basic supplies.

What virus is transmitted mainly through contamination of food and water with infected fecal matter?

Hepatitis A (HAV).

How does fungi get into food?

Fungi get into food through contamination - the fungi is allowed to contact the food in some fashion. In the United States, most cross-contamination like this happens in the home after the food has been open. Fungi are pretty much everywhere and for the most part don't hurt anything.

What food contamination's is usually associated with undercooked chicken?

Salmonella is the food contamination usually associated with undercooked chicken

Which is a way to prevent contamination of hot food on display in a self service area?

Assigning food handlers to follow customers through the self service area

Cross - contamination?

When bacteria from one food items gets onto another food item it is called cross-contamination.

What is a food born disease?

disease transmitted by contamination of food

What is the function of gloves in food processing?

Prevent contamination of the food.