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Ecoli doesn't develop on food. It reaches food through contamination.

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Q: Would detection of EColi in meat be indicative of contamination or spoilage of the product?
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period and product

Would hair found in a bag of frozen peas be considered product adulteration?

No, it is product contamination.

What premises design features would help to minimize risks of food contamination?

To prevent food poisioning, premises are often designed in a linear flow: Back door: products arrived > Sink: Product cleaned > Fridge: Product stored at correct temperature > Preparation area > Cooking Area > Service Area The main aim is to prevent cross-contamination amongst products. Also fridges are designed in a way whereby raw meat is stored below ready to eat products such as salad leaves. Any product which is ready to eat is a HIGH-RISK product, and needs to careuflly handled with a food business to prevent contamination. To prevent food spoilage, a premises should be designed to encourage stock rotation, perhaps through adequate storage space.

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The first line of defense against infection or contamination of I.V. products is by hand washing.

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During the manufacturing process, once the product is finished, a quality control process is usually followed where defects are detected--hence defect detection.

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For sefty of operater & to avoid the contamination of product.

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What are the benefits of uht processing?

UHT processing kills all spoilage and harmful bacteria. This extends the shelflife of the product and the product can be stored outside the fridge (unopened) for the duration of shelflife.

Why must most milk in the US be refrigerated at all times while evaporated canned milk and milk in cardboard containers sold in Europe do not need to be refrigerated until they are open?

Fresh, pasteurised or extended shelf life milk has to be refrigerated because the processing does not remove all spoilage bacteria from the product. Refrigeration slows down the growth of spoilage bacteria and ensures that the product stays fresh longer.UHT treated or sterilised milk has a long shelflife and does not need to be refrigerated before being opened. This is because all spoilage bacteria is destroyed during the processing (typically a very high temperature for a short time). Only once opened will spoilage bacteria contaminate the product and start growing.

Example of scope and limitation in food spoilage?

Food spoilage is the deterioration in the color, flavor, odor, or consistency of a food product. Food can deteriorate as a result of 2 things: the growth of microorganisms, and/or the action of enzymes

Where can I find gas detection equipment?

You can purchase gas detection equipment online at, or It would be beneficial online, therefore you can compare prices, read reviews and return your product with no hassle.