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I think so. I don't know how to explain a whole lot so read this article and it may help you.

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Q: Is it safe and clean to swim in Greece's waters?
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What waters do great barracudas swim in?

Most barracuda swim in waters close to mangroves or reefs.Most of the time, they are nice,clear,calm waters were there are smaller fish they can eat.

Are you safe from sharks in Daytona Florida in waters 4 feet deep?

Sharks only need enough water to swim in - so you may be safe from larger sharks, but smaller ones will be perfectly capable of swimming in 4' deep water. You should always practice "shark safety" when swimming in waters that are home to sharks, for instance: - do not swim if you are bleeding - do not swim in cloudy waters where sharks may be hiding, such as around piers - do not swim near to where people are fishing (for more than just fear of sharks - you could get 'caught' yourself!!) - leave the water if wildlife in the water, such as fish, begin to behave strangely or erratically - leave the water if you spot a shark - always check with a lifeguard before you swim - do not swim alone

Can laidybirds swim in deep waters?

laidybirds are ladybugs, and no, laidybirds can NOT swim in deep waters. they would die like most insets do in water.

Is it clean and safe to swim in a pool after someone urinates in it?

I would chlorinate the pool and run filter for several hours, and you will be fine

Is it Dangerous to swim in Polluted Waters?

Yes, it is.

What does a dolphin do when its winter?

They swim to warmer waters.

Are orcas always in cold waters?

no, they swim over warm and deep waters sometimes

How else can seals swim in cold waters?

they can swim upside down in cold water to

What do dolphinms do for your environment?

they swim in our waters and we get to watch them swim and enjoy the life in the water we cant have

Do sharks swim faster in saltwater or freshwater?

they usualy swim fast in both waters.

How are seals designed to swim in cold waters?


Do any hamerheads sharks swim in the Alaskan waters?

No, they do not.