

Do adult cats need milk

Updated: 10/8/2023
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13y ago

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No, adult cats don't need milk. In fact, many adult cats will get sick and get diarrhea from drinking milk, especially cow's or goat's milk, or any other animal milk. Few cats are okay with milk, but it's best just to give them fresh water instead.

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13y ago

They can, but its not good for them. Many cats are lactose intolerant (they cannot digest it properly) so can get sick from ingesting it. Goats milk, or specially formulated cat milk do not have lactose in so are perfectly safe.

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13y ago

i think if your cat drinks everything including 2% milk they will be just fin but keep a close watch to make sure they don't get dirrah.

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Q: Do adult cats need milk
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Are cats healthier when the drink water or milk?

It depends: if you have a female dog that has puppies the puppies will drink the breast milk from the mother but the mother still drinks water. if you have a puppy and not its mother either call the vet and buy special milk or just give it water. For cats, I would make sure toilets that are not being used should be flushed at all times. for both kittens with or without their mother give them warm milk. Weaned kittens and adult cats should be given water, or formulated kitten milk. Cats of all ages should not drink cow's milk as it can make them sick.

Should you heat some milk up for your cats cold?

No. Kittens need milk from their mother but after that milk is bad for most cats. A large percent of cats are lactose intolerant so cow milk will make them sick. However, the taste of milk is very appealing to cats so feel free to give it to a non lactose intolerant cat.

Why do do cats like milk?

Cats are mammals so they naturally drink milk from their mother when they are young. Milk is naturally high in fat and other nutrients, which is why cats will readily drink milk. Due to their carnivorous diet, cats need some fat in their diet.

Why aren't cats allowed milk?

Because cats milk is only designed for cats. Cows milk is only designed for calves. We drink it because we have adapted to drinking it and now it is a necessary source of calcium for us. Cats don't need it and are intolerant to the lactose found in cow's milk, therefore it makes them sick.

How long should you warm milk for cats?

You shouldn't give dairy to a cat at all. It takes a certain enzyme to digest milk sugars and most cats do not have that enzyme. Cats don't need milk after they are weaned from their Mother. Milk is for baby cows.......not baby cats. Give them all times.

Is it okay for cats to drink milk?

Yes, as long as it's specific milk made just for cats. Cow milk will cause diarrhea in cats (trust me, I know). I also have something to add. Not just cow milk, other milks to. The truth is that cats are lactose intolerance.So lactose free milk is fine for cats.No, cow milk is bad for cats as they are lactose intolerant. Milk may make them throw up or give them diarrhea.

Why do children need more milk then adult?

because they need it more

Why is milk not healthy for cats?

Many adult cats are lactose-intolerant; however, a small amount of milk will not hurt them.ADD:Instead of even giving a cat a small amount of cow's milk, it is advisable to buy some specially formulated "kitten/cat milk" instead. This is completely safe for cats and is often fortified with extra nutrients.

Why is Kitten sleeping 22 hours?

Even adult cats sleep around 18 hours out of 24. Kittens need even more sleep than adult cats.

What do baby cats eat?

They just eat the same food as adult cats eat; soft cat food. Before six weeks, kittens largely depend on their mother for milk.

How old do kittens have to be before they can have cow's milk?

Under NO circumstances give any cat cow's milk, the high lactose level will make them sick. Kittens can tolerate some lactose in milk but all adult cats are completely lactose intolerant!If you want to offer your cat milk, used only milk formulated specifically for cats (i.e. lactose free with taurine added).

Do cats drink spoiled milk?

They can, but its not good for them due to the lactose that is present in cow's milk. Many cats are lactose intolerant (they cannot digest it properly) so can get sick from ingesting it. Goats milk, or specially formulated cat milk do not have lactose in so are perfectly safe.