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It is, and it will deter some rabbits. However, some rabbits (like mine) really like the taste of it, and will just lick it off. If the bitter apple spray actually taste good to your bunny, try hot sauce (mine likes the taste of hot sauce too, but it deters some rabbits from chewing).

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Q: Is it safe for me to put 'Bitter Apple Spray' on wires to stop my rabbit from chewing wires?
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you can try bitter apple spray. My pug used to have an issue with getting into garbage cans but after a few weeks of spraying the bitter apple spray around the rim of the garbage can she stopped going near it.

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Get some bitter apple spray. You can find it a most pet stores

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I am not sure what you are asking by this question. I assume you are seeking something to spray onto something your dog is chewing to make it smell bad to stop it from chewing? If so, pet shops sell something called "bitter apple" which is basically a miracle training spray. You just spray it onto the couch or whatever it is you dont want your dog to chew, and it smells and tastes bad to them, therefore stopping the dog from destroying anymore furniture. If this is not what you were asking, i apologize.

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there is a special spray so the dog will stop chewing anything you spray the spray can get the spray at petsmart

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It depends what you use for a disinfectant spray. Some are not harmful as long as the rabbit does not inhale the fumes when you spray.

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Bitter apple spray worked well for us, but it was one or two specific areas of the carpet. It may not be a feasible solution if it is a very large area that's being chewed on. Should be able to find it at any pet store and places like Wal-Mart and Target.

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Chewing* If you catch her chewing something she shouldn't, interrupt her with a firm "uh-uh!" and take the object away. Immediately replace it with an appropriate toy and praise her as soon as she begins chewing on it. * Teach her "leave it"--a training tool you can use not only when you want her to leave your slippers alone, but to make sure she backs away from the chocolate bar on the coffee table or that freshly painted park bench. * Consider applying Bitter Apple, or any nontoxic spray with a scent dogs find repellant, to the object of her desire.

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you can get him\her a muzzle of whatever its nipping on get bitter spray and spray it on whatever its nipping on

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All dogs, not just female pitbulls, go through a chewing faze as puppies. Many dogs like the way a certain person smells and will only chew that person's things. To stop dogs from chewing the wrong things, you can buy green apple and/or vinegar spray to spray onto your shoes and furniture that the dog is chewing. Be stern with your, but not harsh!

Will a rabbit die if you spray disinfected spray?

They may not die but they will get sick.Type your answer here...