

Is it safe to drink flat pop?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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15y ago

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Of course. Pop is carbonated; it has carbon dioxide dissolved in the water. Once all the dissolved gas escapes you end up with plain water with pop flavoring = “flat” pop. I’ve heard of people who’ve drunk pop cans that are twelve years old!

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How can you tell when pop goes flat?

When you drink it, there is no fizz. You can also shake an unopened bottle and look at the bubbles. If bubbles move from the bottom of the bottle to the top, the pop is not flat.

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no it is just drink ur pop (soda) and ur safe

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Because gasses have mass and therefore weight. As a soft drink loses CO2, it loses mass and therefore weight.

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Twenty-four beers in a flat of beer! Drink up!

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They say that you are not supposed to drink caffiene while your pregnant b/c it can cause low birth weight in your baby, but you can drink de caffinated soda.

Why when shaking a soft drink it shoots into the air?

When you shake up a can of pop, the Carbon Dioxide inside gets a higher pressure. If you just let a can of pop sit however, the Carbon Dioxide will just start to slowly escape until the drink becomes "flat."

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no because horses don't have the ability to drink pop

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No, guinea pigs should not drink pop.

Can you drink pop after it's been frozen?

It tastes slightly off but is still drinkable. It's a little flat but still got plenty of fizz.

Can you drink out of date Diet Dr Pepper?

It's not safe to drink/eat expired *anything*. There are some ingredients in the item that may spoil and cause harm to the consumer. It's best to just fork over the $1.50 and play it on the safe side. :) Happy sipping!

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I get hiccups on the first drink, almost everytime i drink a pop.

Which soft drink goes flat the fastest?

Coke drink goes flat the fastest