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No. Chicken dropped on the floor is not safe to eat as is. If the chicken is raw, it could be rinsed off and cooked. If the chicken was cooked, I'd suggest tossing it - unless you want to rinse it off and re-cook it.

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Q: Is it safe to eat chicken off of the floor?
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If they were made to feed off the floor, yes. But most pigs are fed from a trough, which is a bit cleaner than eating off the ground. However, pigs, naturally eat from the ground when they are rooting for bugs, roots and tubers to eat.

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Can you eat chickens?

Yes, people all over the world eat chicken. To eat a chicken: 1- Kill the chicken (make sure to do this in a humane and legal manner) 2- Pull the feathers off, etc 3- Cook the chicken Source: I've never killed a chicken but I eat it pretty much every day and I've seen how they do it.

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grab the leg and eat all of the meat off of it to clean the bone completely

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