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The over-the-counter maximum daily dose of ibuprofen is 1200 mg/day. Long term use of even the maximum amount is associated with certain health risks (such as GI bleeding and kidney damage). There are some disease states which require high doses of anti-inflammatory medications for treatment. If you are currently taking ibuprofen as directed by your doctor, you will probably be fine. If this is so, it is important that you see your doctor regularly so that he/she can monitor the effects of the drug on your body (i.e. blood tests to assess kidney function, etc). Your doctor may choose to prescribe a prophylactic dose of a proton pump inhibitor (Nexium, Prilosec, Protonix, Aciphex) or H2 antagonist (Zantac, Pepcid, Tagamet) to prevent an NSAID induced ulcer. If you have heartburn-like symptoms or notice that you bleed/bruise easily, feel exteremely fatigued, or have bloody or "black as coal" stools, see your doctor immediately.

If, however, you are taking 1600 mg/day longterm and are not under a doctor's care, your risk of eventually having these side effects is high. It is important that you let your doctor know that you are needing to take this much. Whatever problem is causing you to need to take this amount of ibuprofen on a regular basis should be addressed by a doctor.

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16y ago
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17y ago

You need to consult you physician on that matter. Depending on any pre-existing health conditions you may already have, your physician would be the only person competant to answer that question because of his/her extensive knowledge of your medical history. But for all intensive purposes I would think so. Generally... Yes. However it's important that you take it with food and as stated above, the only way to answer this definitely is if I knew more about your medical history; for instance if you are elderly, have gastric problems, kidney problems or one of a hundred other things then this would need further consideration.

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10y ago

You can take 800 mg, which is prescription strength. If your pain is extremely bad, you could go to a 1000 mg. It will elevate your liver enzymes slightly. 1600 is a bit much. 800mg is pretty much the peak for "pain killing" If you're hurting bad enough for 2 800mg IBs, then you need a stronger pain medicine.

Doctors will occasionally prescribe higher dosages, but they should ONLY be taken under a doctor's supervision.


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14y ago

If taken as one dose, yes. 1600 mg of Ibuprofen can cause liver damage as Ibuprofen is metabolized through the liver. However, oftentimes physicians will prescribe 800 mg dose of Ibuprofen for serious discomfort/pain. However, this 800 mg dose should only be taken every 8 hours or as the physician prescribes with 2400 mg of Ibuprofen being the maximum taken throughout the course of 24 hours. So in short, 1600 mg at one dose can be harmful. However, if spread throughout the course of 24 hours it should not be harmful to you supposing that you have no other pre-existing conditions or liver problems.

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14y ago

You wont die, but that is a bit much. That's two prescripion strength tablets.

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11y ago

yes, i believe that your able to take up to 2000mg a day.

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