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Q: Is it safe to take take yeast infection pill during menstrual cycle?
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Can a yeast infection prolong your menstrual cycle?

No, a yeast infection - whether in the vagina, vulva, or elsewhere on the body - has no impact on the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones produced by your reproductive organs.

When your menstrual cycle is occurring are you still protected when taking the 28 day pill?

Yes you are but intercourse during the menstrual period has a high risk of UTI or yeast infection if you don't use a condom.

If you haven't had your period yet is a yeast infection a sign of starting?

No, a yeast infection is not a sign that you are starting your period.Menstruation is controlled by you menstrual cycle which is to do with reproductive organs and hormones, although hormonal changes can effect vaginal pH it can't cause a yeast infection. A yeast infection is simply an overgrowth of naturally occurring yeast in your vagina, it's not a sign of your period - if it were you'd get a yeast infection every cycle. Remember once your period starts no using tampons with a vaginal infection.

Is it normal to feel cramps and have a yeast infection as a sign of pregnancy around the time your menstrual cycle should start?

They are not signs of pregnancy, but you may be pregnant and have them.

Does a yeast infection cause a smelly menstrual?

Yes, a yeast infection can cause bad vaginal odour so add the stronger scent of menstruation and the fact that menstrual flow can further impact on vaginal flora then it can cause bad odour. However most of the time bad odour during menstruation is due to poor hygiene or using unhealthy menstrual products such as tampons or commercial menstrual pads (rather than menstrual cups, softcups, cloth menstrual pads, or organic menstrual pads).

What causes a yogurt like vaginal discharge?

vaginal discharge is normal during your menstrual cycle. in the beginning and end of your cycle it is thick and white. if it has a different color like yellow or green or if there is a bad odor accompanying it, you should see a doctor. also, if there is any itching it could mean you have a yeast infection.

Can yeast infections cause late or missed periods?

No, yeast infections cannot cause your period to be late.Menstruation is controlled by your menstrual cycles, a domino effect of hormonal changes between your brain and reproductive organs, your menstrual cycle should continue as normal whether you have a yeast infection or not. A yeast infection is just a vaginal infection, when naturally occurring yeast in your vagina overgrows and causes irritation - just treat the infection. If your period is late it is due to something else, maybe stress or ill health but if sexually active pregnancy is a possibility too.

Can a yeast infection be cured if you are on your period?

No, a yeast infection can't be cured by menstruation. If anything a yeast infection may be made worse by menstruation because during menstruation the blood changes the pH of the vagina so it is more favourable to harmful bacteria and yeast. Using certain menstrual products such as tampons or commercial pads can also increase risks of infection, commercial pads especially can cause yeast infections as they prevent air-flow to the genitals so making the area warm and wet so perfect for yeast growth. If you have a yeast infection it's best to seek treatment, confirm diagnosis with a doctor ideally (especially if you're sexually active, in case it's something else), and then you can use over-the-counter yeast infection treatment.

What is the white from a yeast infection?

The white is just your discharge. During a yeast infection an overgrowth of yeast (which is a fungus) changes your discharge to a thick white cottage-cheese type discharge.

Is it common or normal for your period to be missed or late while you have a vaginal yeast infection?

No, a vaginal yeast infection should not affect your cycle. Sometimes your cycle can change because of stress, which also incidently causes a yeast infection. However, not to freak you out...pregnant women also frequently get yeast infections. You might want to check that out just in case. I hope this helps a little...

What medical conditions does barberry treat?

Liver diseases, stomach upsets, ulcers, renal colic, irregular menstrual cycle, infection, fever, diarrhea, gallstones, anaemia, yeast infections, malaria, heart defects, chemotherapy side effects.

Pap smear during yeast infection?

You can get a pap smear if you have a yeast infection. You may be less comfortable with the speculum exam if your vagina is very inflamed.