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Q: Is it safe to take vicodin medication while undergoing chemotherapy and can you crush the vicodin to use in a g tube?
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Are nurses allowed to crush medication without a doctors order?

It counts on you facility's policy but I believe that you need a order to crush medication that can be crushed

What are different ways to take vicodin if you cant swallow them?

You can crush it and snort it, you can swallow the whole pill, you can crush and swallow the whole pill, or you can filter the acetaminophen out and drink the hydrocodone.

What is one reason not to crush medication?

Because you might not get your full dose of medication and it could spread to allergic people

Is it safe to crush Excedrin?

no. only pharmacists should attempt crushing medication. they spend years in training for this exact situation. if you crush excedrin improperly, its ingestion could cause severe harm. it is similar to preparation of a blowfish.

What is one reason not to crush a medication?

Some pills have special coatings that control the rate of release of the active ingredient, chewing or crushing such pills breaks this coating and can cause an excessively high dose when the pill is taken and an excessively low dose later. Other pills have very bad flavor and have a coating that prevents the release of the medication until the pill has been swallowed and can no longer be tasted.

How long the effect of medication stay in your body?

Depends on if you take it orally or if you crush your pills and snort them. If you take it orally like a McCaslin (He-He) then you are probably good for a day or so; but if you are a real man and crush them up then you are flying for a week. Be a man.

What does smoking Vicodin do?

Dont bother, trust me, it's a waste of a pill. Back in the day, I thought it would be cool to crush up some Vicodin, mix it in a joint and smoke it. It did absolutely nothing... All it does is taste nasty. Plus, all you're really smoking is tylenol. Try parachuting, crush up the pill in a tiny piece of tissue, twist up the top, put it in the back of your throat and swallow. That should improve the effects you're looking for.

Can you mix vicodin and a rockstar energy drink?

Yes and you won't die. So don't listen to anyone else except me because I have experience with Vicodin ES750. If you crush Vicodin and have vodka you will trip. Vodka or any other alcohol over 80 proof will make your extremely high and you will hallucinate. You only get liver damage from the drug if you take large amounts of it for a long period of time. Ex: 12000mgs a day 5 days a week for a month. I have taken 4 or 5 at a time with no problems. 750 x 4 = 3000mg and i am very healthy and has no liver damage. There are other ways to get high without taking a Vicodin and alcohol.

What do you do if you hate your crush?

If you hate your crush, then they're not your crush.

What is a mad crush?

A Mad Crush Is When It Is A Big Crush

Who sings the song Crush?

There are three songs that I know about that are called Crush- Crush by David Archuleta Crush by Selena Gomez Crush by Paramore

Does it matter if you have a crush?

That's normal if you have a crush... All person have a crush....