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Q: Is it same the function between pic 16f887 and pic 16f627p?
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What is the difference between homologues and analogues?

homologues= same function different origin analogues= same origin with possibly a different function

What is the difference between x-intercepts of a function and zeros of a function?

Assuming it is a function of "x", those are two different names for the same thing.

What the difference and relationship between a probability distribution and a probability function?

They are the same. The full name is the Probability Distribution Function (pdf).

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they function the same way.they only look different

What is the difference between homologous structures and analogous structures?

Homologous = same origin, different function (arms vs. wings) Analogous = same function, different origin (panda thumb)

What is the difference between function and recursive function?

I will explain in the easiest way the difference between the function and recursive function in C language. Simple Answer is argument of the function is differ but in the recursive function it is same:) Explanation: Function int function(int,int)// function declaration main() { int n; ...... ...... n=function(a,b); } int function(int c,int d) { ...... ...... ...... } recursive Function: int recursive(int,int)// recursive Function declaration main() { int n; ..... ..... ..... ..... n=recursive(a,b); } int recursive(int a,int b) { ..... .... .... .... } Carefully see, In the recursive Function the function arguments are same.

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the Golgi function the same as the nucleolus

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no they both do the same thing pump oxygen into your bloodstream

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The model is different, but the vehicles function the same.

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A homology is a likeness in structure between separate organisms due to evolutionary events from the same part or part of a remote ancestor. Whereas analogy is a resemblance and/or comparison of some particulars between things otherwise unlike.

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The price of a house is not a function of the lot size because house on the same lot size can sell go many different prices

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There is no difference; they are synonyms.