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Steatopygia is believed to be an adaptive physiological feature for female humans living in hot environments, as it maximises the bodily surface area/volume ratio but keeps enough fat to produce hormones needed for menstruation. In the African savanna, where food shortages are common during the dry season, it allows people live on their stored fat. The people of the ancient Near East, where the Garden of Eden is usually pictured, never adapted their fat storage in this way.

It would be far more sensible to follow the early Church Father, Origen, who accepted that the story of Adam and Eve did not really represent human history (On First Principles, 3.1.1):

"Now what man of intelligence will believe that the first and the second and the third day, and the evening and the morning existed without the sun and moon and stars? And that the first day if we may so call it, was even without a heaven? And who is so silly as to believe that God, after the manner of a farmer, "planted a paradise eastward in Eden", and set in it a visible and palpable "tree of life", of such a sort that anyone who tasted its fruit with his bodily teeth would gain life: and again that one could partake of "good and evil" by masticating the fruit taken from the tree of that name? And when God is said to "walk in the paradise in the cool of the day" and Adam to hide himself behind a tree, I do not think anyone will doubt that these are figurative expressions which indicate certain mysteries through a semblance of history and not through actual events."

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Q: Is it sensible to think that Adam and Eve had steatopygia and that we'd all have it now had they not sinned?
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