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If your child has an ear infection, visit the doctor as soon as possible. They do not get better on their own - it just becomes more painful. Sucking on a bottle or Chewing Gum can help relieve pressure, but will not be a cure.

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Q: Is it something serious if my child has a ear ache for couple of days?
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What is heart ache?

Heart ache is when you are sad about something and your heart aches.

What is the objective of pain?

It lets your brain know that something is wrong. For example, without physical pain, a tooth ache would most likely go unnoticed, that could lead to a serious infection, infection could lead to a more serious complication, even death. Emotional pain is another story.It lets your brain know that something is wrong. For example, without physical pain, a tooth ache would most likely go unnoticed, that could lead to a serious infection, infection could lead to a more serious complication, even death. Emotional pain is another story.It lets your brain know that something is wrong. For example, without physical pain, a tooth ache would most likely go unnoticed, that could lead to a serious infection, infection could lead to a more serious complication, even death. Emotional pain is another story.It lets your brain know that something is wrong. For example, without physical pain, a tooth ache would most likely go unnoticed, that could lead to a serious infection, infection could lead to a more serious complication, even death. Emotional pain is another story.It lets your brain know that something is wrong. For example, without physical pain, a tooth ache would most likely go unnoticed, that could lead to a serious infection, infection could lead to a more serious complication, even death. Emotional pain is another story.It lets your brain know that something is wrong. For example, without physical pain, a tooth ache would most likely go unnoticed, that could lead to a serious infection, infection could lead to a more serious complication, even death. Emotional pain is another story.

What is the difference between ache and sore?

Ache is this sharp type of pain that you experience when you have a tooth ache or fractured bone. Sore is the type of pain you experience after something like a Charlie horse or a bruise.

How do you say stomach ache in German The slang Term Too I ate a hedgehog or something along those lines?

Stomach ache translates as Bauchschmerzen, Bauchweh, or Magenscherzen

What does it mean when a 9 year olds bottom half of her leg is hurting?

Entirely impossible to answer from here. Can be something quite unimportant like temporary soreness either from exertion or an accident while playing, or something a little important like ache from growing too fast, or something nasty and serious. If it persists, take her to a doc. Not the ER though.

A pain that rhymes with stake?

A pain that rhymes with stake would be an ache.

What could cause lower abdominal ache with heavy feeling Also had a 'show' mid cycle that lasted couple of days?

Your period

Why do you ache?

people normally ache because of pain or something that has hit , sratched or touched them and it hertz them because of their body format.** It depends on the body part were different things ache . because we're all different and we all itch and ache in different areas of our body a format or matter of the DOC. body!DOC.--- doctor body!

Sentence for chugging for 8 year old child?

Chugging a large glass of milk can give you a tummy ache.

How to pretend your in labor?

Pretend you have a bad belly ache. Every five minutes, clutch your stomach and act like it hurts. Do that for a couple of hours. Then do it every three or four minutes for a couple of hours. Do it every two minutes for a couple of hours. That's what labor is like.

How do you stop stomach aches?

In order to know how to stop stomach aches, it depends on the cause of the ache. For example, you might have a stomach ache because you are anxious about something. Learning to take deep breaths and calm down can help. If you have a stomach ache because of menstruation, a painkiller can help relieve the pain.