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An abuser is about control and brain-washing occurs. The abuser makes you think that you can't get along without them. You are so use to the way you have been treated you actually think you like the person, but in reality you haven't even entered the anger stage yet and it's coming! No one likes to be abused and it's not normal. Love is about treating that person with patience, kindness and understanding, loyalty and being friends first and then lovers. You are hurting because you are one smart person and got out of a bad relationship. At first you will feel lonely and almost tempted to patch things up with the abusive person. Don't! Move on. Make friends and go out and have some much needed fun and learn to laugh again. Give yourself a chance to realize how independent you really are and how much inner strength you have. When you realize you don't need a man in your life to exist, that is when you future relationship with a partner will work out better. There is someone very special out there for you that will treat you the way you should be treated. I was married to an abusive husband and didn't even realize how abused I was (I was young at the time.) It finally hit me 3 1/2 years later and I left him, filed for divorce and found an apartment of my very own (freedom and independence) and also quit my old job and got a much better one. I made new friends and started dating again until I met my second husband. Of course I was lonely for a little and cried myself to sleep many nights, but I held on and I'm so glad I did. I've been happily married to a wonderful guy for 34 years and still going. Good luck Marcy

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Q: Is it supposed to hurt walking away from an abusive relationship when you are not in love but care for the person?
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People can't leave them because the person who is abusive to you will not let you go anywhere.

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Well, refer to the name, a relationship, that involves abuse. It can be towards the male or female, if you are in an abusive relationship, leave the person and/or call the police or abuse hotline..idk it though

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Look up Traumatic Bonding and Stockholm Syndrome. And get out of that relationship.

Is staying in abusive relationship a good idea?

You should definitely go. An abusive relationship is unhealthy for you both physically and emotionally. If you continue to stay with that abusive person, you will more than likely end up being attracted to more abusive people in the future. In fact some abusive relationships can lead to suicide and/or being murdered.

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well you shouldn't hate yourself you should hate the person that abused you...because you didnt do anything wrong Answer: you shouldn't hate yourself neither the other person because it.was what you wanted at one time and if it turned out to be an abusive relationship so you learn what to do and what to avoid in the next relationship .

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There exist a hotline for every state in the United States if you find yourself in an abusive relationship which you can find on the Tripod website. If you find yourself in immediate danger you can also contact 911 and they will assist you immediately.

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Cheating is a choice made by the person who cheats, and not the fault of the person who may have been abusive. Abusive behavior is never an excuse for infidelity. Both partners should seek help to address any underlying issues in the relationship.

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It exist because the person being hurt stays in the relationship thinking the abuser will stop. Face reality this person has issues and they will not just up and change. I would advise anyone who is in an abusive relationship whether physical,emotional or verbal get out while you still can, because the abuser is not going to change magically.

Leaving as way to gain control in a abusive relationship?

Answer Leaving to gain control in an abusive relationship won't help you much. You will never gain control over a person who is mentally sick by leaving him or her. This person needs help and either you stand by them while they get professional help or you leave because you feel it's the thing to do. Don't leave for all the wrong reasons and later regret your move, if you have children and this person won't go for help, then leave as fast as you can because your children will eventually be affected by your choice to stay in an abusive relationship. Good luck

Why would someone be nice toward some but abusive toward a good friend?

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