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no, untrue. increased bleeding can be a symptom of growths in the uterus or hormonal changes, etc.

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Q: Is it true if you bleed more it is less days of your period?
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Is it normal to only bleed for a day when you first get your period?

yes because when youre on your period you dont bleed constantly it starts and stops but dont take your pad off because you will start bleeding again and it may get on you clothes

After having a period for 8 days. can another starts in 5 more days?

i'm not a doctor,, but if you are spotting or having a slight bleed on day 13, it might be ovulation bleed.

Do you have your period when your on the depo?

All women on depo provera have changes in their bleeding. Some bleed more, and others bleed less. In the early months of use, you may have breakthrough bleeding that goes on for days, weeks, or months. This bleeding decreases over time.

Can you bleed during implantation?

If you mean period wise the implant will either not affect your period or it will become heavier/lighter, less/more common :)

What does it mean if your on your period 3 or more days?

If you bleed for 3 to 4 days when your period was supposed to come, that is fine. If you bleed for 3 to 4 days in-between periods, it might mean that you are stressed or it could be a side effect of a medication. The bleeding could also be related to uterine fibroids, miscarriage or hormonal changes.

What is the length of labradors dogs period?

21 days or a month more or less

Is it normal for your period to come every 30 days?

Depends on the woman, but 30 days is in the norm. It can be less or more.

If I have a very heavy period for about 9 days and still lightly bleed for about 5 more days is there a chance somthing could be very wrong?

Possibly; go see a doctor ASAP.

What makes you bleed more on your period?

Prawns. Almonds. Mango's.

Where can you buy a test that tells you 6 days before your period?

your local grocery or drug store. majoirty of test are prior to your period. The more days before your period less accruate the test is though.

Can exercise and medicine make a menstrual period worse?

I was told I would bleed more, but that's what you're supposed to do because of menstrual cramps. The more that comes out, the less pain you'll be in.

Why did you start to bleed again 3 days after you finish your period?

That's when there's no more blood to come out but develops more by those days finishing it. Which actually means it hasn't finished it's just developing more blood. (Hope it Helps) :)