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This is not always the case. I know somebody (my mother) who has lived with a narcissistic husband for over 20 years, and despite the fact her husband does not show any love whats-so-ever towards her none of it has rubbed off on her.

The personality disorder is something cemented in childhood, I highly doubt youll develop one yourself after your childhood if you decide to live with one. However, what they do to you can make you feel certain things that may make you cold - which is natural.

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Q: Is it true living with a narcissist over time can start to give you the same behavior?
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OMG! That is horrable. If he doesn't give all his atention to you in that moment then he really doesn't care. Im sorry!(Bonnie):AnswerWell first of all, would you really expect that a narcissist would be sincere about such a proposal in the first place? Whether this man is or not, it doesn't sound right that he should do this. You say he is your ex, so it seems that you are trying to find out whether or not he truly is a narcissist. I know it helps to have some closure to know what the reason was for the strange behavior. I hope you find some answers and some peace. Good luck!