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Q: Is it true of false that mitochondria are increased during interphase?
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mitochondria vary considerably in their shape and size

Is it true or false that mitochondria releases energy from the cell to do its work?

This is very true because mitochondria are the site of cellular respiration.

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False, it increased!

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Stomata and mitochondria are two speialized cells found only in plants true or false?

False. Mitochondria are found in both plants and animals.

Is Interphase is the resting and growth phase before mitosis?

Interphase is not actually a resting phase. It is just called so because the chromosomes are not seen at this phase because they are in chromatin form(invisible) but actually in Interphase the cell undergoes intense chemical activity. Interphase has 3 stages: G1: All organelles are synthesized except mitochondria and chloroplast, cell has high metabolic rate. S: DNA replication occurs. Protein molecules called histones are synthesized n cover DNA. The cell is 4n at this stage. G2: Mitochondria and chloroplast are synthesized and energy store of cell increases. And yes INTERPHASE occurs first and then mitosis or meosis can occur

Is it true that the number of women who held jobs outside the home increased during the 1950s?

False! It decreased

Does the stroma separate the inner and outer membranes of the mitochondria?

No, the stroma is found in chloroplasts, not mitochondria. In mitochondria, the inner and outer membranes are separated by the intermembrane space.

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False A+ answer