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Q: Is it true that After gaining their independence Texas had no issues with the Mexican government?
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The government of Mexico and the Americans who settled in Mexican-controlled Texas clashed over all what issues except?

The Mexican government and the American settlers clashed over numerous issues, however, allegiance to Spain was not one of them. Slavery is an example of an issue they did clash over.

Which is one reason many African nations have not prospered after gaining independence from European colonial powers?

Because of their inability to maintain a stable democracy in the wake of independence.

What issues did Americans face after they declared their independence from Britain?

When the Americans declared their independence from Britain, they were faced with the question of what type of government to have. They had to decide on having monarchy, democracy, or republic.

What is the second part of declaration of independe?

ideas about Government-------------------------my answerThe second part declares independence from Britain, and lists the colonies' issues against the British government.

Which document is echoed by the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independenc?

ideas about Government-------------------------my answerThe second part declares independence from Britain, and lists the colonies' issues against the British government.

What were some struggles faced by your founding fathers while creating the new government What were the major issues debated?

That America needs Mexican people to because they work more

Father hidalgo and the issues in their struggle for independence?

He issues the Grito de Dolores

What are Mexican contributions in Literature?

Mexican literature has made significant contributions to the world, with writers such as Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes, and Laura Esquivel gaining international recognition. The magical realism genre, popularized by authors like Gabriel García Márquez, was influenced by Mexican literary traditions. Mexican writers often explore themes such as identity, history, and social issues in their works, offering unique perspectives that enrich the global literary landscape.

What other issues did the convention resolve?

independence from England

What crucial issues was not addressed in the Lincoln Douglas debate?

the mexican war

What are the key issues local government?

The key issues in the local government are the issue on corruption and abuse of power.

How do the citizens participate in the government in United Kingdom?

indirect democracy- they elect MPs to the house of commons so they vote for the legislative branch of government. direct democracy- they can take part in referendums where they can vote on issues such as the Scottish independence referendum (hot topic at the moment)