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Q: Is it true that Galileo expressed his observation on rate of speed of falling objects in a mathematical formula?
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What is Galileo theory of falling object and how did he test it?

Galileo dropped it from a tower in then it feel at the same rate

Who studied the behavior of falling bodies and formulated laws covering the behavior of these object?

Galileo Galileo

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Who is the scientist that studied falling bodies?

Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo both studied the effects of gravity on falling bodies.

What was Galileo's most important theory?

he was most famous for his "law of falling bodies"

Who founded experimentally that the speed of a falling object is not proportional to its weight?

Galileo Galilei

What was Galileo's hypothesis in the falling objects?

The rate at which an object falls, is independent of its mass.

Who first tested the effect of gravity on falling objects?

Sir Isaac Newton........ Answer2: Galileo.

Who discovered the law of falling bodies?

Galileo Galilei discovered the Law of Falling Bodies. Newton worked out the first equations. Einstein worked out better equations.

What was galilao's contribution to science?

In physics, Galileo is remembered for discovering the laws of falling bodies and motions of projectiles.

What kind of relationship did Galileo have with the church. why?

Galileo had a falling out with the church over his scientific papers regarding the Earth revolving around the sun. This went against the church belief's at the time and Galileo was forced to go to Rome for a trail and denounce his scientific findings.