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Queen Elizabeth II is queen of the United Kingdom, which includes England.

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Q: Is it true that Queen Elizabeth II is not the queen of England?
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Is it true or false The people of England were satisfied with Elizabeth I as queen they had little interest in exploration at that time?

the answer is TRUE

Is Queen Elizabeth married to philip?

That is true. Prince Phillip is married to Queen Elizabeth.

Is it true that the ancestry of Queen Elizabeth II of England can be traced to king Henry viii?

matrilineal system

Is it correct that Queen Elizabeth I was completely bald at an early age?

it is true thet queen you

Did Queen Elizabeth 1 was childish?

yes its true

How many Elizabeth are there?

In history there has only been two Queen Elizabeths. Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II. Queen Elizabeth II is still alive today as the Queen of England. This IS actually Not True. According To Reliable Sources There have been 3 elizabeths. the first was in the 1500's the second thought she was the first in the 1900's then we have our current queen who is actually Queen Elizabeth The Third. Most People Think Shes only The second. Please Correct Me If im wrong. luv Mr Sprinkles Actually I only know of three. There is the virgin queen Elizabeth. She married none, had no king, and considered herself to be married to England. Then there is Queen Elizabeth II, England's current monarch. And of course her mother, Queen Elizabeth, the queen mother. There have been five; Elizabeth Woodville, wife of Edward IV, crowned 26 May 1465. Elizabeth of York, wife of Henry VII and mother of Henry VIII, crowned 25 Nov 1487, Elizabeth I of England and Ireland, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, crowned 15 January 1559, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, wife of George VI and mother of Elizabeth II, crowned 12 May 1937 and Elizabeth II, crowned 2 June 1953.

What is the true name of queen?

Britain's reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, was born Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor.

How would it feel to be king of England?

As there has not been a king or queen of England for over 300 years you would feel very old indeed. That is not true. Elizabeth II is the current queen. Her father was the king and her heirs will likely be king.

Why did the spanish want to assassinate Queen Elizabeth and make Mary queen?

Spain was a Catholic country and wanted England to be Catholic as well. Elizabeth was Protestant, so to get what they wanted, the Spanish wished to replace her with the Catholic, Mary Queen of Scots. The Spanish also believed that Elizabeth was illegitimate making Mary the true heir to the English throne.

Was Elizabeth I a true virgin as queen?

Writers claim she was not a virgin.

Is the stereotype that British royalty are heavily interbred true?

Yes, it is, Queen Elizabeth II is married to The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh who is in fact descended from Queen Victoria, just as Queen Elizabeth is.

Is Prince Philip married to Queen Elizabeth?

Yes, Queen Elizabeth II is married to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. They married on November 20, 1947 at Westminster Abbey in London.