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Q: Is it true that if you are allergic to peanuts and you are going to kiss your girlfriend on the lips she needs to rinse her mouth out with listerine and you won't have a allergic reaction?
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Related questions

Are rashes contaiges?

They aren't, they are formed by an allergic reaction, such as exposure to peanuts if you are allergic to it.

You had an allergic reaction to peanuts what are the chances you will also be allergic to walnuts?

the chances are you are not but ask a docter before you have them.

What is a sentence for allergic?

i am allergic to pollen. So I can not smell flowers.

Allergic to peanuts can you be allergic to boiled peanuts?

all peanut products you should be allergic to. but not any of the marshmellow peanuts!

Which food can cause an allergic reaction by cooking odors or from handling?

Fish, seafood, peanuts, sesame.

When can babies eat peanut butter?

Sometimes never, there are some people who have an allergic reaction to peanuts.

What is anaphylaactic shock in simple words?

The closing of airways when allergic to peanuts Shock caused to highly susceptible people by an allergic reaction to almost anything.

What molecule triggers an allergic reaction when it is stimulated?

Protein molecules are the molecules that set off an allergic reaction. Common allergens associated with protein molecules include pollen, dust mites and peanuts.

Are you allergic to peanuts?


Which US President's brother was allergic to peanuts?

Pres Jimmy Carter's brother was allergic to peanuts.

Can peanut butter make your face itch if you are allergic to eating it?

Yes. This has happened to some individuals who are allergic to peanuts.

Why can some people although allergic to peanuts still ingest smooth peanut butter without a reaction?

Because some smooth peanut butter contains peanuts that have not been roasted. In China peanuts are boiled, not roasted.