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Q: Is it true that in the bhagavad Gita animal characters often present lessons about life?
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What was so important about Aesops fables?

Aesop's fables are important because they contain moral lessons conveyed through animal characters and simple stories. They are timeless and have been passed down through generations, teaching valuable life lessons about human nature, behavior, and virtue.

How do parables and fables differ?

Parables have human characters while fables have animal characters.

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Cell wall is not present in animal cell. Chloroplasts are not present in animal cell.

In touching spirit bear what is the purpose of the animal dances?

they teach him lessons

What is the lessons should the reader leran from animal farm?

Proper grammar.

Were people really monkeys along time ago?

Yes I Think it is right,because i have remembered lessons why nails grow up,this lessons show up that in ancient time we are also like animals and our nails grow up it is show that we have also animal behaviour at present,it is the reason for nails groing up.

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There not. Animal farm is a Fable/Allegory about the RUSSIAN revolution, not the Philippines.

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Is animal locomotion present or absent?

present what she said^^^

Aesop's fables were part of Greek what?

Aesop's fables were part of Greek folklore and tradition, showcasing moral lessons through fictional animal characters and stories. These fables have been passed down through generations and continue to be popular worldwide.

What organelles are present in animal cells but not in plants cells?

Lysosomes are present in animal cells but not plant cells.