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Q: Is it true that ribosomes are made in a special region of the nucleus called nucleus?
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Are Ribosomes are made in a special region of the nucleus called the nucleolus?


What organelle inside the nucleus makes ribosomes?

The structure is called nucleolus and it makes the two parts of ribosomes. It is numbered between one and three in a typical cell.

Are ribosomes made in a special region of the nucleus called the nucleolus?

Ribosomes are made inside the nucleolus, which is inside the nucleus of the cell. Ribosomes function to synthesize proteins. ***************************** it controls which qenes qet used.

Do the ribosomes fill the region between the cell membrane and the nucleus?

No it enters the region.

Do ribosomes fill the region between the cell membrane and the nucleus?

No it enters the region.

Which type of cell has a plasma membrane ribosomes and nucleoid region?

A bacteriumNucleoid region is in bacteria. Eukariyotes have a nucleus

What does the nucleus produce?

The nucleus (plural, nuclei) houses the cell's genetic material, or DNA, and is also the site of synthesis for ribosomes, the cellular machines that assemble proteins. ... This darkly staining region is called the nucleolus, and it's the site in which new ribosomes are assembled.

Do archaea have ribosomes?

Archaea do not have an endoplasmic reticulum. The prokaryotic cell has a nucleoid region with no actual membrane- bound nucleus. Ribosomes on the rough endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells translate mRNA into proteins. This process is preceded by transcription occurring in the nucleus. So, archaea having no nucleus do not require an endoplasmic reticulum to translate DNA, they simply use ribosomes in proximity to the nucleoid region.

What is the name of the dense body of protein and RNA inside the nucleus where ribosomes synthesis occurs?

It is called the nucleolus. It is in the nucleus

What is the function of the nucleolus in cells?

Nucleolus is a dark central region of a nucleus It is responsible for the synthesis of ribosomes.

What is a function of the nucleolus of a cell?

Nucleolus is a dark central region of a nucleus It is responsible for the synthesis of ribosomes.

What is an atoms central region?

The central region of an atom is called the nucleus. The nucleus consists of many neutrons and protons which can form bonds.