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Kinda-sorta, but not really.

The hair that you have has been out and about for awhile. It's gotten chafed against clothes, bedclothes and skin. It's been washed and dried. All these things have worn the hair down a bit, making it softer.

Now, if you were to shave that off, the new hair when it emerges will be brand spanking new, and so a little stiffer and a little coarser.

Give it some time, and it will get worn just like the "old" hair.

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Q: Is it true that shaving under your arms makes it grow thicker?
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Is it bad to shave your arms?

It depends, some people say it is because when they have shaved their arms it grows back thicker and darker but it varies for everyone. _____________ You may want to avoid shaving your arms if you're skin is susceptible to razors bumps.

I have very hairy arms and I am female i want to shave them but i have heard shaving grows back thicker and faster. Does the product smooth away do the same thing as shaving?

Smooth Away DOESN'T work. I've shaved my arms and it came back less thick and lighter (but my arm hair was already black so...) and i haven't shaved them in a while.

Where are you supposed to shave?

You don't HAVE to shave anything. I suggest shaving under the arms, on the legs, don't shave your arms! It'll grow back thick and dark. As for private areas, use Nair and ask your mom to get your some razers.

You have little bumps on your armpit but why and how do you get rid of it?

Are you pushing when you shave your arm pits? When I did that I got bumps too. Now I glide over my under arms with a razor and use a good shaving creme or other product. Shaving creme dulls your razor quickly and I find that hair conditioner or coconuts oil makes a great supplement. Hope I help you. ;)

Does shaving your arms make the hair grow in a different direction?


Can you get cancer from shaving your arms?

Probably not. That makes really no sense at all.

How do you get thicker arms?

we get big arms by doing push ups and pull ups and culls

How do shaving?

girls share their armpits,legs, arms,and their pubic hair.

Is shaving your arms a bad thing?

Shaving your arms is not bad for your health. It is a personal choice, like deciding if you want to shave your legs or not. But if you keep shaving your arm hair it will look like it's growing in faster and and of a darker color. But that's a temporary result of the cutting action of shaving.

Where does hair growth under the arms and on the legs generally begin?

You are covered with hair except for the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. But at puberty, the hairs under your arms begins to get thicker. This is to trap the odor you will begin to make. Of course, being human, we have decided we don't like that smell, so we cover it up.The hairs on our arms and legs begin to get thicker and longer about the same time. Men will produce more belly and chest hair than women will.

What is the best product to use for teens to shave underarms?

Teenagers who are looking to shave under their arms have a variety of shaving cream options. Least likely to cause an allergic reaction would be a mild soap. However, shaving creams for sensitive skin is also a good choice.

What causes Red rings in your under arms?

There are several causes of red rings under the arms. It could be from an ingrown hair due to shaving, it could be an allergic reaction, or it could be due to contact with poison oak or ivy. Allergic reactions can be from metal jewelry or from detergents used to wash clothing with which the under arm area came into contact.