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answer it urself u lazy toe rags

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Monosaccharide is a simple carbohydrate.

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Q: Is it true that simple sugars are made of polysaccharides?
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Which statement is true simple sugars are made of polysaccharides glycerol is made of fatty acids DNA is made of nucleotides amino acids are made of proteins?

Statement three is true; glycerol combined with fatty acids become glycerides, polysaccharides are comprised of simple sugar monomers and proteins are composed from a pallette of primarily twenty amino acids.

Are Carbohydrates are converted to energy by the process of hydrolysis?

Hydrolysis is the decomposition using water. Yes carbohydrates are converted to energy by the process of hydrolysis. Polysaccharides are complex sugars.

Does Overconsumption of simple sugars causes hyperactivity and behavioral problems in children?

It is true that overconsumption of simple sugars causes hyperactivity and behavioral problems in children. Artificial colors and flavors also create a similar reaction.

Is the 20 different polysaccharides used to make proteins true or false?

Is the 20 different polysaccharides used to make proteins true or false?

Starches and sugars are examples of carbohydrates true of false?


True or false a seedling uses sugars in its seed leaf?

Yes! Indeed they do.

Does orange contain reducing sugars?

Yes, it is true.

What are the building blocks for carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a ration of 1:2:1. Carbohydrates can exist as monosaccharides (simplest sugar), disaccharides (two sugar molecules), or polysaccharides (multiple sugar molecules). Carbohydrates are a source of energy, and they are structural materials. Protiens are made up of amino acids, which are formed from the linkage of monomers. Protiens are also organic compounds. A monomer is just a fancy word for a carbon molecule. Hope this helped! That's all I know.

What are main sources of energy starches and sugars?

True, sugars and starches are the main source of the body's energy.

True or false photosynthesis is a process that takes place in autotrophs?

False simple sugar True Although autotrophs make simple sugars during photosynthesis, these are stored in the complex form like starch, cellulose, lignin etc.

Material of which the building material of cells are made?

Four macro elements that we are all made up of are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Four macromolecules that we are all made up of are polysaccharides, polypeptides, polynucleotides, and fats. Notice fat is not a true polymer it is just a large molecule.

Do carbohydrates contain molecules of sugar?

You'd best be trollin'. But in all seriousness, sugars ARE carbs.