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Yes. General Beauregard actually used Wilmer Mclean's farm house for his headquarters during the first battle of Bull Run. After that Mclean figured Northern Virginia was going to be a dangerous place during the war so he sold out and moved his family to Appomattox. In one of the great ironies of history his house was the meeting place for Grant and Lee. Michael Montagne

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Q: Is it true that the Civil War started on land owned by the Mclean family and that they also owned the land where the surrender was signed?
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The first LAND battle of the US Civil War was at the Battle of Bull Run. It took place on a farm owned by the McClean family. Following the battle, they were so horrified by the destruction, they sold their farm, and moved away to Appomatox Courthouse, VA, where they bought a house. In 1865, when Gen. Lee signed the surrender to Gen. Grant, it was signed in the parlor of the McLean home- in Appomatox. The war started- and ended- on property owned by the same people.

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Robert E. Lee signed a declaration of formal surrender to Ulysses S Grant on Palm Sunday, April 9th, 1865 in the parlor of Wilmer McLean's house, across from the Appomatox Courthouse, in Appomatox, VA

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Not really a city, or even a town at the time, but at the village of Appomatox Courthouse in Virginia. If you are ever in Virginia, that area is now a small National Park, and is open for visitors, including the McLean home, where the surrender documents were signed.

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McLean House in the village of Appomattox Court House

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Versailles unconditional surrender was signed at rheims germany- rheims is correct

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The articles of surrender were signed on the USS Missouri in Tokyo harbor, September 2, 1945.

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Bennett Place

How long did world war2last?

For the US, December 1941 until August/Sept 1945. Japan signed her surrender papers in September. Germany signed their surrender papers in May 1945.

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It started with the Japanese attack on the US base of Pearl Harbour in Hawaii on 7 December 1941 and ended with the Japanese Instrument of Surrender which was signed on 2 September 1945